Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Pregnancy Update- Please Read

This is copy and pasted from my other blog. I was far too lazy to come up with something original and different to say. So here's the latest update with me and my pregnancy.

On Wednesday, I went to my regular OB visit. I had an ultrasound done where we got to see the Mister hide his face with his fist. When prodded, he only raised the other arm in defiance. He did not want his picture taken :-)

I then proceeded to get another (weekly) P-17 injection (to prevent preterm labor) and dropped off a urine sample. My urine contained protein in it so my doctor sent me home with a couple of jugs to collect my urine for 24 hours. On Thursday, I returned my sample to the lab where they also drew blood.

On Friday, I returned back to the doctor for a follow up visit and to check on my blood pressure. My doctor was worried that because of the protein levels in my urine that it could lead to pre-eclampsia. So checking on my BP was just a precaution. A couple of days before it was 120/80 so I wasn't the least bit concerned. Apparently my doctor knows what she's talking about because when I went in for the follow up visit, my blood pressure was up to 140/93, my urine still contained elevated levels of protein and I had gained 8 pounds in a matter of 2 days- that's insane! I haven't been swollen or puffy in the least so I don't know where all the hidden weight is.

Immediately my doctor made me go home and pack my bags and sent me to L&D. Usually Mr. H goes with me to all my appointments but on Friday morning he had taken his Dad to a Senior Retreat at the YMCA- something they do every Friday. I tried calling him but couldn't get a hold of him. I ended up leaving a message on his phone in which I was sobbing uncontrollably, so I sent him a text as well. At the time of my message, he was swimming with his Dad but once he got it he came rushing to me immediately and met me at the hospital for check-in. He's been by my side as well as my family and friends.

I got here yesterday at 1pm. They've taken my blood a couple times, put in a locked IV, are currently running another 24-urine culture, taken my temp, checked my blood pressure and are constantly monitoring Mister's heart rate and activity. He is doing great! It's me they're worried about. At the u/s on Wednesday he was measuring at 4 lbs. 1 oz. which I thought was just fabulous. However, now that I know he will be born early, I worry that he's too small to enter this world. My doctor suspects he'll be born around 34 weeks gestation, which is a week and a half away! Until then, I will remain on bedrest until further notice. There is no set date on which he will be here, we'll just continue to take it day by day and if he starts to go in distress, then he'll be delivered.

I've heard many success stories about babies being born at this gestation. I know having the steroid injections to strengthen his lungs is a plus and being here in this safe place is the best thing for us. It just hurts my heart to know that he'll have to spend time in the NICU. I don't worry for myself, I worry for him. I just feel like my body has failed my children again. This is not the birth story I dreamt of, but I suppose what matters most is that he's healthy, viable, safe, thriving and ALIVE. Nothing else really matters, nor does it ever go the way we plan them.

Please know that I'm not complaining, I'm just worried and I feel unprepared for all of this. Our induction date wasn't scheduled until September 14th at 11:45am and in a matter of moments the tables have turned and I'm feeling a little anxious. I thank God everyday for this miracle baby and I know how lucky and blessed I am (we are) to even have made it this far in the pregnancy. Right now all I can do is trust that "this is exactly where we are meant to be" even if I don't understand or like it.

Thanks for reading and for being here for me.



Selba said...

Don't worry, you and the baby will be doing alright, Monica :) *big hugs*

The Grub Club said...

You don't know me from Adam - or Eve, for that matter, but know that me and mine are praying and keeping positive thoughts for you and your little one. The hardest part of faith is using it, so keep on believing that all will be well and that you're more than equipped to handle whatever comes your way.

A big hug to you and your family. God bless you.


Natalie said...

Best wishes-- you will be in my prayers!

Unknown said...

praying for you!

Unknown said...

I am praying too!

suzieQ said...

Be strong and know that you and your husband are in my thoughts. Hoping that all will be well and you will be home soon with a healthy baby.

Melissa said...

good luck. you'll do great and so will baby. remember your body hasn't failed. your baby is just too excited to get here and meet mommy and daddy! best wishes!

Peggy Clyde said...

I'll be thinking of you. Modern medicine is wonderful. I hope all goes well for you and the baby.

Christy {The Girl Who Ate Everything} said...

I hope everything goes well. I am thinking and praying for you and your sweet baby.

Kim Lehnhoff said...

You're in the best place for the two of you to be continually monitored...and hopefully, Mister will get to stay "mombound" and give himself some time to mature a bit more.

August is a great month for a birthday!

Judith said...

Positive thoughts and prayers to you all!

Beth said...

I've been reading your blog for a long while now, though i've never commented -- I've just been quietly pulling for you and this little guy. You're in the right place, for you and for him. 4 lb, 1 oz is awesome. I've been where you're at -- including the NICU. those nurses there are the best nurses I've ever been around, all of them. prayers for you, and a virtual hug from a total stranger who cried when I saw you were pregnant with this perfect and strong little guy.

Leslie Harris said...

Praying for you and baby!!! (((Hugs!)))

Tania said...

Praying for you.... try not to worry. Although 34 weeks is early, it's very manageable now.

Anonymous said...

Oh Sweetie ,

Don't worry , I gave birth to my twin babies when i was in the 7th month of pregnancy , they stayed at hospital for more than 50 days. they were fine, so don't worry. Now my twins are 7 years old .

praying for you :)


Anonymous said...

Hang in there! I've been in a similar situation, with twins, born at 35 weeks. I know you can do it and that the little man will be fine. You all are in my thoughts!


Katie said...

So sorry to hear of your scare. At least baby seems healthy. Stay strong and remain positive. Thinking of you.

Nichole said...

I just recently started reading your blog and one of the first posts I read was an archived one about your pregnancy and your struggles. I immediately started looking for updates and was so happy for you when I realized how far along you were in your pregnancy! So, like another commenter said, you don't know me, but you and your baby will absolutely be in my prayers!

All That's Left Are The Crumbs said...

Monica, please don't think that this is a failure on your part in any way. You have done everything correctly, and by going to your regular ob visits your doctor has been able to prepare for a possible earlier delivery date. I know that this is a worrying time for you and your husband but try your best to stay as calm and positive as you can - I know, easy for me to say. I am sending every positive vibe and thought I have your way.

Katrine said...

Dear Monica,

I'm so sorry that you are going throu this. I can only try to imagien what it must feel like.

My son what born at 34 weeks +4 days, and I had steroid injections or anything to support him, because I went into labour wihtout any early signs of birth being eminent.
Today I'm the mum of a happy, healthy, no problems (unless you count the pokemon addiction) 9 year old son.

He managede without a NICU, and the only real problems we've had, was that he needed a little physiotherapy to figure out that legs are for walking, and even that could just be from his silly genes.

I just wanted to share that pre-term can be a happy story!
I will keep you in my prayers, and I send happy thoughts for all of you.

Lots of love

Coleens Recipes said...

My dear sweet Monica. Hang in there and spend the next few days pampering YOURSELF. I have NO DOUBT that this little one is going to be born healthy and robust. All of us baking buddies are pulling for you and I'm sending you prayers and positive energies. Forget EVERYTHING you think you SHOULD be doing and know that God has his own plan. Keep us posted.

Yadira said...

All my good vibes are with you. I hope everything goes fine. I know you and your baby will be in good hands.

Quirky Jessi said...

I know saying "don't worry" won't make you stop worrying, but do keep in mind the kind of stress you're putting on yourself with all the worrying....and how that stress could translate to your body. It's a lot to take in, I'm sure, but you both will be're in good hands, right? :) And NICU isn't so bad....they'll take extra good care of him so he'll be nice and healthy when you get to take him home. :)

Amy K said...

Praying for you and your sweet little boy's health, rest, and peace. It's sounds like you're receiving excellent care.


Anonymous said...

Your body is not failing! You are amazing to have endured so much yet wanted to try again. I don't know that I would have had that kind of courage having experienced what you have. Here's what it is...he's eager to come out and get to sample all of the yummies you post about!! Take this time to relax and enjoy the remainder of your pregnancy. Remember to count your blessings & not your sorrows. When I was going through a rough time when pregnant with my youngest son, I found comfort I'm Isaiah 43:1-13 & Jeremiah 29:11. You, hubby & Mister are in my prayers :). *hugs*

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am praying for you,Baby and Hubby.God has you all in His care.Rest in that knowledge.Thank-you for taking the time to update,even when you are in the hospital.

Abby said...

I've been praying for you and will continue! I think 34 weeks is good, considering, and I believe you'll both be fine. Have I ever told you that my mom is a NICU nurse? Yep. Her whole career. 34 weeks, she'd say? No problem. :) You can do it! Keep us updated when you can.

From the Kitchen said...

Monica: Sending prayers for all of you and for a healthy baby and mommy. Keep in touch as much as you can.


Treehouse Chef said...

I will be praying for you.

Victoria said...

You are 100% in my prayers. You can do this!!!

Po said...

I am so sorry to hear this but just wanted to offer you encouragement and hope. You are so much further along than 2 friends of mine one had HELLP and the other Pre-e bot mothers to beautiful daughters who start school soon. Born at the 25 and 30 week mark. We will keep you in our prayer ((hugs))

Heather S-G said...

Thinking of...praying for...sending positive vibes...your way, Monica. huge hugs, you and Mr. H and baby will be in my thoughts. xo

Donna~One Simple Country Girl said...

God is good and He will take care of you and your little man. Hang in there and stay strong in your faith!

Nonna said...

Oh, Monica, positive thoughts and prayers of comfort and safety for you and your baby !

Bed rest and monitoring is the best thing for you...went through it the same myself with my 1st pregnancy (twins)and all turned out well.


Lalycairn said...

Praying MOnica. For peace for you - and for the little one to hang in there a little longer. Praying he'll be healthy and happy!


Debbie said...

Hey Monica,
Just hang in there. This is a bump in the road but that is all. I know things will work out for you and your little guy. Modern medicine has come such a long way and 4 lbs at this point is such a good thing. I'll be praying for you Monica and I know God is watching over all of you!

Jamie Jo said...

Hang in there, I'll pray for you and baby!

With my first, my water broke at 32 weeks to then spend 28 days in the hospital flat on my back (water made daily leaking out) then they delivered him C-section after a full day of induced hard labor, at 35 weeks, he was 5lbs 11oz and perfect, breathing on his own. He was only in for a week, in order to learn how to suck. At that age the baby's don't know how to suck yet.

He's now 11 and I'm on my 7th pregnancy!

Heather said...

Praying for you and your little guy.

Regarding Rehse said...

Stay strong Sugar, you're both in my thoughts and prayers. XX

Anonymous said...

someone's just a little too excited to meet you! :) hang in there and keep us lurkers updated when you can. :D hopefully this'll be more like a weekend (or two, or so) away where people bring you food and cater to your (and mister's) needs. pulling for ya and the little guy! you're gonna do great!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Absolutely everything will be alright Monica.You will be having as summer baby with all the pool party birthdays and picnics. Many unforgetable memories to come!

pieridae said...

Blessings to you, hubby and baby! Praying for a healthy happy boy. No stresses over your body - it did just what it needed to & I pray for a speedy recovery for you too, when he is here safely!

Pamela said...

Praying for you, your husband and baby!

cybil said...

Father, pls bless and protect Monica & baby and give her a full term pregnancy! we pray for a miracle!!

Grandma Tillie's Bakery said...

Our friends from church had their baby girl at only 24 weeks! She was teeny-teeny tiny, much smaller than your baby. I am happy to say that she celebrated her 2nd birthday recently and she is growing like a weed-- is taller than some of the other 2 year olds she is in Sunday School with :-)

Nancy said...

My son was 6 weeks early and had hyaline membrane disease. He got the surfax and survived and today is a hale and hearty 31 year old. If your baby can be born vaginally, often the stress of a normal labor is better for their lungs than a c-section, as hormones are released that help mature their lungs. This does not happen with a section. I am sure each and every one of us who follows your blog is holding you and your little one in our prayers. God bless. ((( )))

Anonymous said...

I wish you the best of thoughts and prayers are with you and your family

Michele B. said...

I have read your blog for sometime and love your recipes, I have never commented but I felt I should this time. I had twin girls that were born at 27 weeks.... Both weighing 2 lbs, going to under 2 pounds after birth. They are now 11 and healthy, beautiful, taller than me, amazing kids. My pre term labor was also due to blood pressure issues. That baby boy of yours will be perfect and though he may need a little extra TLC when he is born that is okay because it will all turn out will be in my prayers.

glor said...

Oh you dear sweet girl. My prayers are with you all. My first son was born at 30 weeks, 35 years ago. He was 3 lbs. 11 oz, today he is 6 ft., around 200 lbs, a paramedic and expecting his first child within the next few weeks. I certainly know what you are feeling. I was in labor and in the hospital 7 days before he was born. Will keep close tabs here to see how you and your precious little one are doing. God bless you all. With love.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Guess what? You're going to have a baby!! lol IT seems like it is all falling into place...and you are exactly where you need to be. Thank God that your doctor caught all of this.

And again, guess what? people who have never met you face to face are speaking your name in prayer. That is what the net has done...made this world so much smaller.

Heather said...

My mom x-rays all the NICU babies daily (that need them) and we were just talking about babies and sizes, etc. I was telling her how I just feel better when I've made it to 30 weeks since there is like 90%+ survival, etc. Very offhandedly she commented about those babies past 30 weeks as 'the big ones, they always do fine.' While I know that it isn't ALWAYS the case, it is how the nurses/techs/etc feel about those that are past 30 weeks and you are going to be 34 weeks, right? My midwife even talked to me about the different in 28 to 30 weeks because they can suck, the lungs are better, etc. He is going to be little, but really he is well on his way to doing just fine in the outside world!

Just want you to know that your little one is doing great and you are doing everything you can for him right now. Just do your best to stay relaxed, think positive thoughts and just be focused on the JOY of this time. He is feeling all that you are feeling and you want him to know that things are good in the world!

Take care and we'll be praying for you!


Foodiewife said...

Oh, Monica, sweetie. You made me gasp, as I read this. You have such a positive and gracious attitude about all of this. I know you've had a really hard time with your pregnancies, but you are so right-- you have made it this far! Honey, I'm praying for you and your Baby Boy. May God give you comfort, strength and courage. I pray that baby boy will come into this world as a fighter, and that he's going to grow up to be the apple of your eye. I'm right here with you. I promise. xoxoxo

Mona said...

I can hear your worry. Keep thinking positive thoughts, keep the positive energy going. You both have done so well!! SO many people are rooting for you and little Mister : )

You take care. We're all here for you!

Toya said...

Be strong, I'm sending prayers and positive thouhghts to you and your family.

Kerstin said...

*hugs* I'll be sending lots of good strong vibes your way. Maybe the little guy just can't wait to meet you - hang in there :)

Anonymous said...

Blessings and prayers are being sent your way! Put your worries in God's hands- it's the best place for them.

BrendaB said...

Right now I am praying for you and your family. I hope everything comes out fine.
I have been a follower of your blog page for about two months, and I enjoy your recipes, so I will be thinking of you and your family.

Girl Schmuck said...

Praying for you. Sending you love, good thoughts and praying the hand of God who has already touched you...will continue to hold you.
Have you seen the beautiful things you create with your hands? Just think what beautiful things your body is creating. The waiting is the hardest part. But wait is what we must do.

Karen said...

I've been reading your blog for a short time now, but I've been praying for you and your little family. Know that God does indeed have a plan for you! Your little cupcake is strong and healthy now and safe lulled by his Mamma's beating heart, what a wonderful thing that is. He has brought you through a long journey and will not abandon you now.
So many people are praying for you all and pulling for the little cupcake to draw breath and to live the joyous, carefree life with his parents as he was meant to do. Take comfort in that and in the doctors knowledge and most of all in His love for you!

Anonymous said...

I just said a prayer for you and your baby right now. As you already stated (and know)so many children are born at this weight (and smaller) and thrive 100%--thank God we live in these times, w/ such advanced medicine. I know you must be extremely scared; put this fear into God's hands and let him take care of you/ family. You will be in my thoughts & prayers.

Lori said...

I have not stopped by your blog in so long. I have been just terrible about visiting everyone. I practically did a happy dance when I saw pregnant. I sure hope all is well with you and the baby. It's all about miracles, children and life. Everyday miracles that matter so much. I will be thinking of you and the babe and sending warm, positive thoughts your way.

Amber said...

I'm 33 years old, and my sister and I (twins) were born ten weeks early. I was 2 pounds 7 ounces, and she was 2 pounds 11 ounces. Both of us turned out perfectly healthy and happy. And that was in the seventies, when they didn't have all the technology they have now. It's impossible not to worry, but try not to blame yourself for something you can't control.

Keeping up with the Freitas' said...

I'm so glad you have a community of friends to help you through this. You are in the best place for you and the little guy! My nephew was born two years ago (his birthday was last week) at 34 weeks and he is running around and talking up a storm, keeping my brother and sister in law busy and full of love.

I know this is a very scary and stressful time. Keep in mind all of those who will love and support you through this. Stay strong, listen to the doctors and listen to your heart.

Please keep us posted and know you have a lot of prayers coming your way.

Dee said...

Dont worry...Everything will work out good. Sending you lots of good wshes, love and happiness

Cheryl S. said...

Praying for you and Mister! Stay in baby boy! I do have a good story for you, though. I was born at 34 weeks (in 1971) and my brother was born at 30 weeks (in 1975). We're both happy and healthy and we each have kids of our own.

Because of that history, I was very nervous when I was pregnant. I have a friend who is a neonatologist. He told me that (obviously) you want them to stay in as long as possible, but after 32 weeks, they'll be fine in the long run, even if born early! And you're already past that!

Kelley said...

Oh I am praying hard for you, your family, and your little guy.

If you are in the Austin area, there is an awesome NICU support group called Hand to Hold ( It was started by a Mom who had a son in the NICU, and she trains other NICU parents to be help and support parents who currently have babies in the NICU. It is a wonderful organization, and it really does help to have someone to talk to that has been there.
That being said, I am going to pray that Mister doesn't have much of a stay in the NICU!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your baby boy daily, I know God is with you and your baby boy and all will be great..what a wonderful Mommy and Daddy you two will be, that much love, care and adoring will make such a wonderful baby's life indeed..take care.mjs

Jana said...

I am sending you hugs and prayers. I had my second daughter at 24 weeks. It is very scary, but let God take the worry, and you take care of the caring. HE will make sure that things are okay. I promise. My preemie is now 14 and the smartest in her class. She is perfect. My little miracle. Thank GOD for all of the wonderful technology.

Janet said...

Everything is going to be okay! Brandon was born at 33.5 weeks - he weighed a little over 5 pounds and today he is a strong, United States Army Airborne Ranger! Your little Mister will be fine. It's you... You need to do everything they tell you to do so that you'll be okay too. Right!? Right!! Keep us posted and know always that you are loved beyond measure!

Denise said...

Lots of prayers are flying your way ! Continue with the positive attitude, and all will be as God desires it to be---and you will be blessed with the strength to handle it !
There are alot of people in your corner, so be happy --don't worry !

Healthy and Homemade said...

Everything is going to be great, even if the little guy comes earlier than expected ;) So excited for you to be mama! =) Hugs being sent you way hon!!

Rowena said...

I have been following your blog for awhile, love all the things that you have here. Because of that it seems like you're a friend. i would like you to know that i have been thinking about you and will pray for you. I know that both you and the baby will be fine. Hang in there my friend...


Allie said...

My thoughts are with you, your husband and the baby! I know you will all be just fine :) I will say a prayer for a big strong healthy baby boy!

Coleens Recipes said...

We haven't heard from you in a couple days, hope everything is going well. Just think, this time next year you'll be chasing this baby all over the house.

Heather at Kitchen Concoctions said...

I'll keep you, your baby, and your husband in my thoughts and prayers.

Roz said...

Oh Monica, thank you for sharing this post. I will pray so fervently for you, Mr. H. and your precious little boy. Everything will be OK, as they can do so much for these tiny little ones today. He will be such a joy and a blessing to you both. And don't forget to take care of mommy too!

Big hugs and kisses, Roz

Kruger Life said...

You're doing great girl, it's not your fault! Just relax and keep your little man cooking in there as long as you can! :)

Can't wait to meet him (via your blog)!!

Take care!!

Annette Herbst said...

I had the exact same thing happen with my first son. Everything worked out great and I am sure it will for you as well. Your family is in my prayers and I can't wait to get a peek at the little guy

Melanie said...

I am praying for the health and safety of you and your precious baby boy!

Unknown said...

You poor thing, but you know you're in the best place with experts watching closely over you and your baby.

Since I had already pre-arranged things with anesthesia, they went with those plans - for me to be awake during my C/S. But since I had previous issues with eclampsia, I was scared enough during the 2nd C/S that my BP was too high for surgery to continue.

So I started doing my calming breathes I came up with (on my own, since I hadn't made it to my birth class yet). The hippie anesthesia nurse caught onto me counting/breathing - 5 slow in/5 slow out, and took over counting for me. It worked after a few rounds, my BP decreased and they could continue. I still do the calm-breathing if something stressful comes up, since I know first-hand it worked.

So hug your baby with your hands on your tummy, and slowly: Breathe in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... Breathe out 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 until your shoulders are mush, knowing that so many people are praying for your baby and you!

Cassie said...

What a huge, huge worry, Monica. I'm praying for you, Mr. H., and your sweet baby boy. I just know everything is going to work out great for him AND you!

I had preeclampsia with my first son so if you have any questions about what to expect during any of this, just shoot me an e-mail ( I'm thinking of you!

Gerry said...

Thinking good thoughts for you and your little peanut!

Amber said...

I love your blog, and this one hits so close to home.

I did not have Pre-eclampsia, however, no one in my family carries babies full term so I knew I was going early. I started showing signs of early delivery around 30 weeks, and had my baby boy at 34 weeks and 1 day. That shot of steriods made all the difference in the world!!! He weight 5 lbs, 2 oz, however, he never had to be on ventilation, his lungs were healthy. That being said, we were in the NICU 18 days. I'm telling you this because no one told me. I've since found out two things, I (like you) had two things going against me. I had a white boy. They're sometimes reffered to as whimpy white boys in the NICU because they are just the slowest to recover. It goes white boys, black boys, white girls, and black girls being the quickest to get their gumption together and get out of there. Secondly, the thing with 34 weekers is that they are stubborn when it comes to eating. They are big enough that in their minds they don't have to eat as much or they aren't starving as much as a baby born earlier, and they aren't so big that they get hungry enough to maintain that growing appetite. That was why we were in the NICU...our stubborn little boy just decided he was okay not eating. I hope and pray you have a TOTALLY different experience! However, I always wished someone had told me these things, so I wanted to tell you.

Also, be strong for him. We were told we'd be in the NICU until what he'd be considered as "full term" (6 weeks), however, I fully believe that it was our strength, love and faith in him that allowed us to take him home in three. I never cried with him. Be strong for him and just show him how wonderful and special he is.

Susan at said...

You hang in there my friend. Our middle daughter came 5 weeks early while I was in East Texas for Easter....middle of the night... new doctor, new hospital. She was in the NICU for 23 days - she was 5 lbs. 2 oz when born. She had bradacardia - her heart rate would drop when she was in a deep sleep. She came home on a monitor. We praise God every day for our healthy happy 16 year old - Jenna!

I will say a prayer for you and the baby. Be strong! God is in control!

The Brunette Baker said...

I only just stumbled upon your fabulous blog today. I felt compelled to send a message when I read about your pregnancy struggles. My heart goes out to you as well as my prayers and happy thoughts. I've had 2 not-at-all-bells-butterflies-and-flowers pregnancies. I was put on STRICT bedrest at 29 weeks with my daughter and at 28 weeks with my son. I delivered both early and they are perfect. Just trust in God or the faith you turn to in times of crisis or need and you'll get through this. Before long, you'll be holding your most wonderful and delicious masterpiece...that daughter or son God knew you desired all along.

Best of luck darling! xo

Miss Mary said...

Blessings to you and your family. I am praying for you and your little guy. May the Lord give you peace and keep your little guy strong and growing and developing just as he was intended to be! :)

Sufoot said...

Sending you lots and lots of prayers. God knows what He's doing...this little guy is coming when he's supposed to. Hugs!

oneordinaryday said...

Sending much love!

Tiger Fan said...

Oh, my blogging friend, I am sending hugs and prayers your way. You are in the best place----good capable professional hands---so just keep happy positive thoughts focused on that precious little guy.

PinkLadyRN said...

I am sending you much love and BIG {{HUGS}}! I know you are worried to death (I'm just a few short weeks behind you and I would be worried as well) but you are right where you need to be for you and your baby! Even though he is small, babies are strong little fighters...and I know everyone at that hospital will take amazing care of him!

Cindy said...

Monica I am thinking about you and your unborn baby this morning. Lifting your little one up in prayer.

Sweetie I have know the anxiousness that you are feeling. 25 years ago, I was due on Sept 19th, and my precious baby boy came into the world on August 3rd. 7 weeks early. Like you I was worried about all the same things, and it was hard to leave him in NICU, where he spent the first two weeks of his life. Only until his lungs completely developed, because he looked perfect in every other way.

My precious son just turned 25 and to know him or see him you would not know the battle he was up against at birth.

Technology has come along way since then, and I tell you all this to hopefully aleve some of your fears.

Place all this in God's hand.


Cathy said...

I love the lemon bar in your head pic. I want to make them everytime I see this.

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