Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer On A Stick

Hello again! Did you guys miss me? I missed you! You'd think that being on bedrest would give me lots of free time to blog but I've been watching lots of TV and playing games on my iPhone and a friends' borrowed iPad instead. I'm addicted to Words with Friends, Hanging With Friends and a new game I discovered called BubbleXplode. CAN'T. STOP. PLAYING. I even got my MIL hooked on the bubble game ;-) I've read a few blogs in the past week, I just haven't commented much lately. You guys have been making some yummy things!

Just before I was placed on bedrest, I made these delicious pops. It's so stinkin' hot here--about 106 degrees F every single day! I just couldn't make myself turn the oven on, so I whipped up these bad boys. This pregnancy, I've craved key lime pie like nobody's business. Surprisingly, I haven't made one in awhile, but I want it often and never tire of it. It's just so refreshing and bright and so were these popsicles. More recently, I made coconut lime cookies and liked them so much that I knew these would be a hit. Just like the cookies, the coconut adds texture, while the lime is the star.

I really liked these coconut lime popsicles. The hubby, not so much. He took one bite, made faces because he thought they were too tart and tried to give his pop back to me. I ate mine in about 2 minutes flat, then finished off his. Yes, siree! I was expecting more of a coconut flavor, but was pleasantly surprised that they tasted like frozen key lime pie on a stick. Even the texture was the same- not icy, but creamy and dense. Delicious. I've got a couple left to last me the rest of the week and I'm glad that I don't have to share them.

Coconut Lime Popsicles adapted from Tish Boyle

Printer Friendly Version
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup cream of coconut
  • 1/2 cup milk (whole or lowfat)
  • grated zest of one lime
  • 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 1/4 cup shredded coconut

Combine the sugar and water in a small saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. Remove from heat and set aside to cool. (I cooled mine in a bowl set in a water bath to speed up the process. The simple syrup (sugar and water) can be made ahead of time, though.)

Combine the remaining ingredients with the simple syrup in a blender and process until well blended and smooth. Pour into popsicle molds and freeze for at least 4-6 hours, or until firm.

Makes 3 cups of liquid or 8-10 pops

In pregnancy related news, I went to the doctor today for another check up. My blood pressure was good, but I still had protein in my urine. My condition still hasn't gotten any worse, so that's a good thing. I'm going to the doctor twice a week and the Mister and I are being monitored very closely. I'll find out next Tuesday just how big he's gotten. 2 weeks ago he was 4 pounds 1 ounce. Anyone want to take a wild guess at what his weight will be next week? Who ever guesses it correctly will get a little prize from me!


Allie said...

I am not a fan of key lime but these actually look pretty tasty! My guess is 5 pounds 4 ounces at your next appointment. Keep resting and playing those games :) And thanks for the update. I always look forward to hearing how you and baby are doing.

Katie said...

These look delicious and perfectly fresh and tropical for the hot weather. Pleased to hear you are relaxed and healthy. I'm going to guess 6 pounds 1 ounce

Anonymous said...

Perfect summer treat! So yummy sounding.

Lynn Thompson said...

Whoo hoo! Doing the happy dance that you and the little guy are still interdependent! My guess for weight is 5lbs. Oh, I got my chocolate in time for the baby shower :)

cookies and cups said...

I would love those pops! So refreshing and summery!
My hubby probably wouldn't have eaten them either :( They're crazy!

From the Kitchen said...

Beautiful! That's a mold I've not seen. Glad you and the little one are doing well. I'm guessing that next weight to be about 5.9. I probably should guess higher since our first son arrived 3 and 1/2 weeks early weighing 8 pounds 9 ounces!

Take good care!


Misc Momma said...

Was going to guess 5lbs 8oz, but I see that is pretty close to others guesses. So, I'll go with 5lbs 14oz. Thanks for updating!

Roz said...

Whenever I see "lime" in a recipe, I'm all over it! Thanks for this refreshing treat recipe! Glad you're feeling well and now I've got to go find this bubble game app that you're crazy about!

Keeley said...

5 pounds, 4 ounces!

I'm so happy to hear you are doing well! I love Words With Friends (although I'm not great at it). I can email you my name if you want to play me!

I haven't played this bubble game... I'll have to download it. Then again, maybe I shouldn't. I can't get much done because I spend too much time playing iPhone games!

Unknown said...

Wow, when I saw the picture, I thought this was going to be a paleta post. I don't really know what's in a paleta, but these popsicles kind of look like one. Maybe, sorta...right? Anyways, it sucks that you've been having over 100 degree weather x( I thought I was dying with the 90-98 degree weather.

Hmm. I'm guessing he will be around 5.3-5.6 pounds.

Krista said...

If you are taking game requests, I recommend Plants vs Zombies. It is super addicting!

Gramma Rita said...

Love reading your blog posts and hearing about the food you make and enjoy, and about your precious little one.

I will guess 5 lb. 2 oz. for the new weight. :)

Nonna said...

Hooray and Bravo Monica !

With the heat index here, our temps are 106 degrees some days and wicked humidity. A nice cool slushee is what cools me off. Found any good recipes for those ?

I am so pleased to hear you're still with child and bed rest has proven to be the right medicine. Be very careful and good to yourself. I know bed rest is so boring, been there done that myself. All I did was eat, sleep, talk and watch TV for a month, while getting my BP taken a lot and putting my daily urine in a huge container on ice for testing ( I was in the hospital for a month )

I'm going to guess 5lb. 1 oz. for your baby's weight, but hoping it will be more !!!

Beachwalk83 said...

Have checked your blog every day just hoping that everything was OK, so glad to see you are still home. I guess 4 lbs. 15 oz for this coming Tues:)

Heather at Kitchen Concoctions said...

I love the coconut and lime flavor combination! For your baby's weight I am guessing 5 pounds 5 ounces. Glad to hear things are going so well even with you being on bed rest. Can't wait for your next update!

K{ said...

wow those look good! I, too, have been craving key lime lately (though not pregnant!). I can't wait to try these!

And I guess 5 pounds, 5 ounces!

kelgirl105 at yahoo.com

Hennifer said...

I need a good popsicle mold!!! These sound dreamy!

I'm going to guess 5lbs 2 oz

Janet said...

So good to hear from you, momma!

My guess is 5 pounds 14 oz.

Happy baby-baking, with love!

Heather said...

I'll guess 5 lbs, 6 ozs and say I'm glad things are going okay!

Anonymous said...

oh i'm so glad to hear that you are staying stable that is great news. i'm going to guess 4lbs and 7 ounces though i certainly hope it is higher.

do you have a pregnancy related blog? i thought from one of your previous posting you did but i can't find it. if so, would you mind sharing it? i have a friend who was just put on bedrest and she might have to have stiches placed so i thought it might be helpful for her to be able to read about your experience. TIA.

jacquieastemborski AT comcast DOT net

beauty be told said...

Hey there, I hope you are getting some rest! Those pops look so good to me as I tto LOVE key lime and coconut! My guess that the little guy is 5 pounds to 5 pounds 1 oz

Coleens Recipes said...

Excellent to hear from you!! Your spirits sound good, and that isn't easy (being preggers when its that hot). Your your little guy is already 4 pounds (fantastic news). My guess is 4 pounds 13 ounces.

Susan at www.ugogrrl.com said...

So glad to hear from you! Glad all is well. This recipes sounds so refreshing - love the name. Also - try Wurdle on the Ipad - addicting!

Memória said...

You would think that with all of those varieties of coconut, there would be a stronger coco taste. I still want to try out this recipe one day...maybe I'll make it with skim milk. Looks yummy.

I'm not good at guessing weights especially of babies since I have never given birth to one.

I'll just say 5 pounds even. :D

CSR513 said...

You and the little man enjoy all the little tart pops you want lol; Mr. H is more than happy to find a "Hood's pop" or whatever!! I can tell he's an awesome husband and dad already!!

I dont post often but check your blog all the time. Nothing but good wishes for you, Mr. H, and baby boy H! A beautiful family with so much love, I couldn't wish for more myself. :o)

Anonymous said...

Going to look for popsicle molds today! Yummo :-)

I guess 6 pounds even!


Rowena said...

So happy to know you're doing well. I love all your recipes and have been making them. They're all so yummy!! Definetly will try this one, it look so good !!!

Julie said...

I would happily say yes to key lime pie on a stick! If I lived close to you I'd make you a key lime pie and bring it over :) My weight guess is going to be 4 lbs and 7 oz.

oneordinaryday said...

See, I think that lounging around and having Mr. H bring you popsicles sounds like a good way to spend the last weeks before Baby H makes his appearance. What do you think? :)

Kelsey Ann said...

anything that reminds me of key lime pie or any sort of dessert via a frozen popsicle, is my kind of summer treat too <3 <3

What's next said...

sounds wonderful! might have to try these to beat the heat!!!

Healthy and Homemade said...

Mmmmm, such a wonderful flavor combo. These look even better than the Dreyer's coconut fruit bars. Yum!

Debbie said...

Those frozen bars look great! I love key lime pie and anything that even resembles it. Glad you are doing well and that the little guy is doing great too! My guess for his weight will be 5lb 1 oz at the next visit! (just a wild guess - I really have no clue!).

TheChouxGirl said...

Hi, I love your blog it inspired me to start my own. I wanted to know where did you get your icepop moulds? I have been looking for some in that exact shape.

Monica H said...

TheChouxGirl- I actually got my popsicle molds from Goodwill about 3 years ago for about $3. But these from Amazon are the same ones- http://www.amazon.com/Progressive-International-PLP-1-Freezer-Maker/dp/B0000CF7H6/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1313200502&sr=8-5

~Monica h

Unknown said...

These look fantastic! I never think to make things like this at home. Great job! Good thing Sam didn't like them...more for you!

Angela Lemmons said...

Yummy! May have to give these a try! My guess is 5 lbs. 1 oz. Good luck!!

White Toast with Butter said...

I'm just catching up again! What a rollercoaster - I am thinking of you often- just so busy this summer with Andrew's activities and fundraisers for our autism "supporters". I am praying for little Mister's healthy arrival. My guess is 5 pounds 6 oz.

trump said...

I was just passing through and popping on blogs that I've never been on before. So greetings folks from Lebanon county's Amish community. Richard

erin said...

oooo - I want to guess! I guess......hum......5 pounds even! yes!

erin said...

Oh man - I change my guess.....someone already guessed 5 pounds even....how about 6 pounds on the dot! :)

jjnhubbs said...

Yay!! So glad you're doing well! And these pops look divine! My guess is 5 lbs 3 oz.

Holly Dart said...

5 lbs 4 oz

so happy i found your blog today. I can't believe I have been without it for so long, actually. It's lovely.

Erica said...

I never think to make things like this at home. Great job!

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Suzanne & Andrew Dupuis said...

These look AMAZING! I will say 5lb 2oz :) grow baby grow!!!!

Tamara Farrar said...

Hello, Monica. I was wondering if you had tried these with a sugar-free syrup substitute, or know anyone who has? Just wondering if it might change the consistency of the pops. They look so yum, and would be perfect if I could lower the carbs.


Lori said...

You shared with me :) Thank you! It was amazing. Wish I had more.

Anonymous said...

Hi, all your receipes look great, I was wondering if you could tell me were do i buy the trays to make the frozen pops in. Thank you

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