Good Heavens, these were so good! Stop what you're doing, go to your kitchen and stir these babies up. You won't regret it. But promise me that whatever you do that you won't look at the nutrition facts on this recipe. I already did and trust me you don't want to know. There is absolutely nothing nutritous about these, but who the heck cares- they're that good! I wouldn't lie to you.
If you need to rationalize making this recipe, then let me help you out. First these cupcakes are minis so you're not actually eating a full cupcake. Secondly, they're made with brown sugar and not corn syrup so if you're one of those people that don't like corn syrup you can feel less guilty about eating these. Thirdly, they're made with butter, which is dairy. And pecans which are a good source of protein and unsaturated fats. They're also high in omega-6 fatty acids. So really you should feel GOOD about eating these. Yes? YES!
Have I conviced you to make these yet? Are you still here reading this post? Well I give you permission to abandon my blog, take off of work, stop doing laundry or whatever it is you're doing and go make these, unless you have nut allergies of course. These suckers were a cinch to make. They're super buttery and gooey. When they cool they get slightly crunchy on the egdes. I made a full batch and they were gone within two days. Mr. H and I fought over the last two but he shared with me because he knew I'd punch him in his pretty face if he didn't.
Pecan Pie Cupcakes from Recipezaar
- 1 cup chopped pecans
- 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 cup packed brown sugar
- 2/3 cup butter, melted
- 2 eggs
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Combine all ingredients in a medium bow and mix well.
Spray a miniature muffin tin with non-stick cooking spray. (The spray with flour in it works best!) Fill each indention 3/4 of the way full.
Bake in preheated oven for approx 18 minutes.
Makes 24-28 mini muffins.
NOTE: I read through the comments on this recipe and some people had problems with them sticking to the pan. Here are a couple things that I did that helped them to release a little easier: generously spray your pan with Bakers Joy or Pam with flour. Once they come out of the oven let them cool for one minute then flip them out onto a cooling rack. If they cool in the pan you'll have to use a chisel to get them out. I know because that's what happened to me when I made them a second time.
Also don't fill the pan to the very top. This recipe doesn't contain any leaveners but they will overflow if you fill them too full like I did. Lesson learned.
Drooling! Wow these look divine and sooo cute too.
Oh my goodness, they look heavenly and gooey and chewy and YUM!
MY cutie-pie loves pecan pie, so I will definitely be trying this one.
Dude I already have all these ingredients!! I just made a cake yesterday, but I will try these next =)
I have made these before and they are truly gorgeous!! Yours look very scrummy indeed!
A) he is a cutie pie
B) I'd still punch his cute face for the last of these bad boys :D
I think this is the same recipe I used for my oatmeal pie muffins. They really are good and simple to make.
I love pecan pie and I love them in your cute cupcake version
The Peach Kitchen
blowing peachkisses
peach and things
These look amazing! I love making pecan tassies, but it's so much work to put the crust in the mini muffin tin. This recipe seems like a great way to get the flavor without all of the work. And they're still bite size and adorable!
Okay, I'm pretty sure I could pop about 400 of these in my mouth:)
Oh my gosh. I want to eat a handful of these, RIGHT NOW!!! I can't wait to make them.
What an easy recipe, very cute and they look like they would be divine. My dream one day is to host a party with tons of sweet and savory mini items just like this.
This recipe looks easy! My husband loves pecan pie and I'll be surprising him with a batch of these this summer... maybe for his birthday. I'm bookmarking this one!
NO YOU are the Cutie Pie here!!! I just love love love this post...they way you wrote it with all the rationalization of the yummy ingredients of these little yummy treasures along with the fact that you give us "permission" to stop reading your blog (and everything else we are doing) and go make these "Cutie Pies" Love it Monica! What am I waiting for? - I've got to go make this recipe!!!! :-)
These look delicious and easy. A perfect combo. AND I have all of the ingredients.
These. Look. Amazing!!! I especially love the picture where you can see the butter dripping from the pecans. Yum! I would absolutely run into my kitchen and make these but sadly I don't have a mini-muffin pan...yet! Thanks for sharing! And I'm SO glad your cutie pie of a husband didn't get punched out. What a guy for sharing! LOL!
your hubby is a cutie pie! I mean the pecan pies! LOL
Yumm! I love all the ingredients in these little pies!:)
LOL, you got me in trouble with this post! I laughed out loud when I read you were going to punch Mr. H in pretty face if he didn't share! LOL, see that's why I love you. 'Cause that's what I would have thought and said. Don't get between me and my desserts. Love the kids but Mama don't share her dessert! :)They know; "get your own".
When I come to TX can I have these and the the pecan bars? Pretty please?
Today is my 10th anniversary... you think my husband may bake me some of these??? LOL :)
what a simple recipe...and I can tell they're just fabulous! I love making mini-anything, I'll be making these soon!
So cute!! How's the texture on these little pies ?? Dense? Crumbly?
You've convinced me. I feel healthier just looking at them.
: )
I'm glad no husbands were harmed in the eating of these little beauties. They sound delicious, and I always love a dessert in mini form.
These look and sound scrumptious.I must make them,especially since they are practically a health food item. :)
Holy Mother of Baking! I must go.....
There is MUCH cuteness there? How many of those could I fit into my mouth?? It boggles the mind :)
ok, ok...geez..i'll make them...all on the name of nutrition ;)
Thank you for absolving me from my sin of lusting for these. I'm not a fan of pecan pie, because it's over-the-top sweet. However, I do love pecan. Guess what I'm making for breakfast on Saturday? You totally convinced me. I'd say these are Cutie Pie bribery material. My sweetie pie can be bribed with berry pie. Woman power in the kitchen!
PS: Loved your interview on La Bella Vita!
Those mini-pies are yummy looking! And, NO Cutie-pie post would be complete without your favorite Cutie-pie! Love it!
So I have to know! How did you get yours to not be crusty on the outside? I have made these for years and they are always a little to done on the outside and slightly crunchy if the middle is set! Help, I love the idea and overall flavor but want mine to look like yours!! Thanks:)
These really look wonderful. I found your blog by chance and had intended to say hello and move on quickly. I, instead, began to read your earlier posts and stayed far longer than I had planned. I love your recipes and the tone of your blog. I'll be back as often as I can. I hope you are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary
Robyn- I'm not sure what I did differently. I've made these twice and they both came out the same. Maybe I just underbaked them, but I did bake them for the 18 minutes that the recipe suggested. Try baking yours a minute or two less and see what happens.
too cute =) Yeah, these do sound pretty amazing...sticky deliciousness! YUM.
These sound amazing! Thanks for sharing them:) You have by far the best goodies ever on your blog. I love how you have made these sound more healthy. Hey, we have to indulge sometimes..only problem, I will eat them all. Still making them, though.
I'm convinced - they look fabulous!! And I love little minis!
They look delicious, but pecans are too expensive here to experiment with them :(
I left you something on my blog!
Monica.. I am tr ying these as soon as I go buy some pecans,, appreciate the tips at the end.
He is indeed a cutie pie!
Can I put these in cupcake liners? Will they still be crunchy? My pans are so old and I know they will stick.
These were delicious! Great recipe, nice and easy and most of all delicious.
Tried this on Friday and they were great! Hubby and kiddos loved them. I wish I had made more because they are all gone! Thanks! Rachel E.
I'm going to make these for teacher's gifts - thanks for the recipe and review, can't wait to make them!
If I made these today would they still be fresh on Sunday morning??
Hi Monica,
Remember me (in Fred, TX.) I hope all is well! I made these for my husband and Dad for Father's Day. I wasn't able to have any due to allergies but they loved them. We used them as a base for a hot fudge sundae! They said they were delicious! And it was soooooo easy!
All my best!
So, I'm scrolling down your side-bar looking at the pretty pictures, and this one stopped my scroll-finger! Oh, those look good! Gonna make 'em this weekend. And I'm not going to share!
Hey Cutie Pie Monica! Going to make these for this weekend - my dad is part of a BIG art tour and I have offered to make some little sweets for people to enjoy as they visit his studio. I thought these little gems would be just perfect! :-)
I've been on your site for so long now that I can't remember how I got here! Linked from someone today and have bookmarked 5 recipes I want to make this week-- including these amazing pecan mini cupcakes I'm going to try tonight. Thank you!
My family loves pecan pie, and I have all the ingredients to make these in my pantry. On my way to make them right now...
Delicious ... the only change I made was doubled the batter and poured into a half-sheet cake pan, cut like bite-sized brownies. Thank you for sharing this awesome recipe.
I don't know if you'll see this, but I was wondering if I might be able to use roasted, lightly salted pecans for this recipe? I have a ton I need to get rid of! Thank you, and what a FANTASTIC blog you have. My new favorite.
Yes you can use whatever nuts you like but keep in mind the final product will taste like the nuts. The mini pies may be scouting salty sweet as well because the original recipe doesn't call for salt, but I'm sure they'd still be delicious. If you try them, let me know how they turn out!
Thank you, Monica! I made them yesterday using the salted, roasted pecans. They were delicious, and they got rave reviews! As I was chopping the nuts though, I did run a damp paper towel over them to try to remove a bit of the salt. It seemed to be fairly effective. I'm thinking that in the end the pecans I used were at about half their original saltiness. Thanks for a great recipe! This is my new favorite, go-to blog!
Just found your site and everything looks wonderful. These sound heavenly, can't wait to try them.
I made these Sunday afternoon and they were really good. I had a few left over and I heated one for 20 seconds in the microwave the next day and it tasted like it had just come out of the oven.
I know this is an old post, but I just have to tell you that these things have changed me. I have made these 5 times since I found the recipe a month ago. I have had to reduce the sugar in these in order to not feel so bad for eating so many. I reduced the sugar to 1/2 cup and they are still tasty -- but definitely starting to just taste like a nut bread. I love the few ingredients -- I do not cook or bake often but I find myself trying to find an excuse to whip these up. For an event, I made these and drizzled a biscoff caramel sauce on them (they were the slightly reduced sugar version 3/4 cup). Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
I am dying to try these. But I only have a regular sized muffin pan. Do you think they will turn out okay? or is there something I should change?
Sherri- I've made them in a regular muffin tin before and they got crusty on the outside and were still gooey in the center even after baking them longer. They were also harder to get out of the pan but they were still delicious!
My fav pie is of course Pecan Pie and my birthday is next thursday!! These will be perfect.....thanks.
I just made these and they are scrumptious! I baked the second batch for 15 minutes and like them a bit softer. Thank you.
Worth every calorie! I didn't have the mini muffin tins and just made them in my cupcake pan and they were delicious!
Has anyone ever used cupcake wrappers instead of spray ? Has anyone ever made them regular cupcake size?
I just bought a mini cupcake pan just so I could make these for Thanksgiving.
Can i use liners? And regular sized?
I used to make these from a recipe called Pecan Pie Mini Muffins. It looks like the same recipe. The muffins had a pecan pie like texture, of course with no crust. Everyone loved them, but I am deathly allergic to pecans, so I had no idea how good they were. Until...I made them with slivered almonds. I just chopped them a little and substituted them for the pecans. Makes an almond toffee like treat! I stopped making the Pecan versions, althogether, when my throat swelled shut just from baking them! No more pecan treats from this kitchen! Glad to have the recipe back! Thanks!
Oh my goodness...these are adictive. Even my husband who hates everything LOVES them.
Unfortunately, the "Printable Version" page doesn't work. This is just a FYI to you. I will copy and paste the recipe into a Word doc. I cannot wait to try these. :)
Your recipes are great and this is no exception. These will go into my recipe box and I'll be using it for many occasions.
Oh my God, these are so incredibly easy and DELICIOUS! Official christmas cookie of 2013! Thanks for posting!
Ok, I was a little skeptical about making these because they look too easy!!! Well, my second batch are not even out of the oven, and I want to tell you I LOVE THEM!!! I am making them for a teacher's luncheon at my daughters school tomorrow, but I am going to have to make more to keep!!! I am also going to serve them with homemade whipping cream!
Thank you so much for posting!
These were a success! With getting them out of the mini muffin pan quickly, they didn't stick! I made some with cream cheese mixed into them and that was great. I also have done them with a large choco chip in the middle -- that also was a hit!! These are really great!
Is there a reason you would not use paper muffin cups?
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