Friday, February 24, 2012

A Loaded Photo Post

I've had photos on my computer that date back to September that I wanted to share with you all and never did. Then Keeley from My Life On A Plate blogged a bunch of photos that inspired me to so the same. No food or recipes today just some of my favorite photos. My friend Lori from LFE Photography took the photos of Hayden when he was just 2 weeks old and our holiday pictures. The rest of them I took but I've put my logo on all of them. Hope you enjoy!

These are photos of Hayden when he was just 2 1/2 weeks old and still wearing newborn size clothes. I look back at these from time to time and I can't believe how small and tiny he was and how much he's changed!

I think this one wound up on Pinterest. My friend shared it on her FB page and someone pinned it. I didn't know about it until my sister saw it and told me about it.

This personalized wooden block was given to Hayden by Allie of Eat At Allie's. It was one of my favorite things he received because it was made especially for him with his birth information on it and because she honored Hayden's older angel brothers on it. It will be treasured for a lifetime. You can purchase your own from Craft-E-Family. Thank you Allie so much!

Fast forward to the first of December when Hayden was just 3 months old. I knit this blanket a few years ago and now he gets to use it. At this age he was still learning to hold his head up.

I did not knit this but a dear friend of mine did. It's a sleep sack and matching hat. I took a picture of him using it to send to her and my mom loved it so much that she submitted it in the Gerber cutest baby contest. haha!

These next few photos are from our holiday photo shoot. These were so much fun!

That is one good looking Poppa holding his son.

Of course Autumn took part in it too.

Sleepy and ready for this photo shoot to be over!

This was a happy coincidence- this heart was already carved into the tree- we did not photoshop it into the pictures. I also want to point out the beautiful green blanket my friend Kristi of Not What I Expected made for him. Thank you Kristi!

Mr. H is a huge fan of Christmas and "exterior illumination". Once Thanksgiving is over, he turns into Clark Griswold. He wanted me to share this photo of his hard work. Thank you honey for making our Christmas brighter.

And these are salt dough ornaments that I made in February of Hayden's hand and foot. I hoped to have them made in time to put on the tree but it just didn't happen. They'll look great on the tree next year though :-)

My beautiful Valentine!

Hayden was born with enlarged kidneys. They're also filled with fluid and shouldn't be. This can lead to urinary tract infections but so far he's been perfectly fine and infection free. We've taken him to a few doctor appointments and ultrasounds just to keep an eye on them. This past Tuesday he went for a follow-up appointment and we stopped by The Ronald McDonald house which is next door to the pediatric urologist. Here is a side by side comparison of Hayden with Ronald. He's filling out that car seat very well.

And lastly, this is the sunset from our backyard last night on Mr. H's birthday. It was 92 degrees in February! This day last year it was snowing. That's just how unpredictable Texas weather is.

That's all for now. Thanks for letting me play catch up! Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!


Coleens Recipes said...

What a treat, I especially love the family feet photo, how cute is that!?!?

Unknown said...

If only I photographed my second, third and fourth as much as the first. I might be able to retire on the silver refined from all those negatives.

Patricia @ ButterYum said...

Awwwww!!!!! My heart skipped a beat when I saw that cute picture with all your feet! Such a lovely and blessed family you have!!


Patricia @ ButterYum said...

PS - tell Mr H he did a great job with the Christmas lights. My hubby has zero interest in "exterior illumination", so I always appreciate husband's who go through all that work.

From the Kitchen said...

What a treat to find the adorable photos of Hayden this morning!! Tell Mr. H. he did a great job on the illumination. The outside of our house looks like Scrooge lives in it at the holidays. It is sparkling inside.


Ruth Hiebert said...

THanks for sharing your precious son with us,via pictures. He is just so cute.

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

What a fun look at your precious little boy! :o)

Emily said...

Thanks for sharing your precious moments!

Peggy Clyde said...

What a cutie!!! You will treasure these pictures forever. Thanks.

vanillasugarblog said...

oh girl
everytime i see your baby photos i remember back when you said you could never...
and now look at you.
so so happy for you.
hope all is well, never see you on the blog anymore.
be well doll!

Ellen said...

Just been catching up with you. First of all, you make the most delicious looking desserts I have ever seen. Secondly, but most importantly, your baby is absolutely adorable and I loved all the pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Shelly said...

Your lil guy is such a sweetheart,thanks for sharing!

Aarthi said...

cutie pie

White Toast with Butter said...

Love them all especially the feet so cute - one of my favorite pictures of Andrew is his crib with his little feet hanging over the side.

Keeley said...

I love these photos! I didn't know you're a knitter! I used to knit non-stop about 10 years ago and I'm hoping to get back into it now that I have a baby on the way!

92 degrees in February? Amazing. It's 32 degrees here in Delaware today :) I'll be lucky to see 92 in the middle of July!

Stock foto said...

Gorgeous Photos ! this is nice blog. You are great photographer , I like your pictures . Your kid is so beautiful man ......
Stock photos

Abby said...

I love them all! He's getting cuter and cuter. And you guys look so very, very happy.

It snowed here the other day, and then the very next day it was like 80 degrees - a record. Weird winter!

Amber said...

Great pics!!!

my son has that same kidney issue! So far, his right one has completely grown out it, and the left one is almost grown out of it. Of course, they make you worry about all the worst case scenarios in the beginning :) Here's hoping your little guy out grows it too !

Kristi said...

I'm flattered that you included my blanket in your family photos!

It is amazing to see how quickly babies change -enjoy every blessed moment with Hayden.

Rachel said...

Love the pictures!

Baking Serendipity said...

So tiny and adorable! I love the feet picture. Babies' feet are my favorite :) (Weird?!)

Maria_NJ said...

He is so beautiful Monica, thank you for sharing those with us...

tell Mr H that he did a wonderful job on the house, it looked fabulous. I LOVE the Lord's birthday soooo much!!!

Unknown said...

Great pictures!!! Happy belated birthday to Mr. H!!!

Amy Ruth said...

It's been amazing watching him grow through your blog. (: brightens up every post!

Colleen (Souffle Bombay) said...

Hayden is SO beautiful!! You look so happy! I am so happy for you guys! Great photos! Thanks for sharing!!

Carlito86 said...

What beautiful photographs, you have a lovely family.


Photographer Melbourne said...

Gorgeous Family Photography !!!!!!
This is really nice post and such a so beautiful photos .Thanks for sharing this family photos..
Photographer Melbourne

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