Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Jelly Belly

Juicy Pear, Chocolate Pudding, Buttered Popcorn, Toasted Marshmallow, Caramel Apple, Creamsicle, Fresh Peach...I could go on and on.

What is your favorite Jelly Belly flavor?


Selba said...

My favorite Jelly belly flavor is the licorice :D

Anonymous said...

I am a 100% toasted marshmallow girl :)

Anonymous said...

I am a 100% toasted marshmallow girl :)

Maria said...

Juicy Pear, I love those!!

Verna said...

Almost all of them except licorice or coconut.

vanillasugarblog said...

I could never pick one! I love them all but licorice and that Dr. Pepper.

Hennifer said...

I love most of them with the exception of coffee flavors and black licorice. I like the really juicy berry flavors and toasted marshmallow is good too! Over the years I've even learned to love the buttered popcorn but I tell you it was a love/hate relationship for a long time.

I'm not sure it was the Jelly Belly company but someone made Harry P.otter ones in all these nasty flavors. It was so creepy!

missing_one said...

it's a toss up between pear and peach. yum!

Sara said...

I love the cantaloupe ones!

b said...

I am eating them as we speak! How crazy! My fav today is the coconut ones!

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