Sunday, March 14, 2010

How 'Bout Them Apples?

My little blog has experienced quite the drama lately and frankly, I'm a little tired of it. Why can't I just be? Why can't I just make what I want to make, say what I want to say and not have to worry about people being dishonest or people sending me hate mail? I try not to let those things get me down but I'm "tender hearted" and these things do bother me.

I got an email from a lady who thought it was her duty to call me names and tell me that I overreacted and that the woman who was running this bunk blog was not stealing from me or anyone else. That she was merely sharing what she thought were good recipes with her friends and family. Here's the deal, and I know I don't have to explain this to you, but that's not what she was doing. If I came across that blog and I saw that she gave proper credit to those who did all the leg work, then I might not have been so bothered. But she knew what she was doing. And she knew it was wrong. That's why she changed the name of the recipes and why she didn't allow comments and why there was no contact info for her.

I couldn't understand how she was benefiting from this though. It's not like anyone can encourage her and tell her how great she was doing. Someone tried to convince me that maybe these were just a collection of recipes that she liked and wanted to try. Maybe that could be right, but why copyright them? Aren't all of our blogs just a collection of recipes? Why do something illegal and claim that it's yours just to have a collections of recipes on a blog? I'll tell you why. She thought she could get away with it, that's why. The blog has been taken down but I'm not sure if it was because of her doing or if Google removed it. I just worry that it will reappear somewhere else at another time. I'm taking safeguards against protecting myself and this blog but that is a work in progress.

I thank each and every one of you who supported me and didn't think I overreacted. I do this because I love it. I love to cook and bake and take photos of my work, and mostly I want to share with you. I appreciate that you respect my hard work and don't take advantage of what I'm offering. Not all of these recipes are my own creation, in fact, very few of them are. I encourage you to read them, and make them. I hope that you like them. But please don't take my photos and claim them as your own.

Now on to these muffins. I saw them on Christy's blog- The Girl Who Ate Everything. She got them from a reader who shared this recipe with her. I made them almost immediately after seeing them because I knew they were something Mr. H would love. He really enjoys cinnamon and apples in baked goods but I don't bake with them enough. I cut some of the fat from the original recipe by substituting cinnamon apple sauce for the oil and reducing the sugar a bit. They are moist and tender and very flavorful. They have a nice crunchy topping on them which is nothing more than a sprinkling of brown sugar- don't skip this step! I made the full batch of muffins, ate what we wanted and froze the rest. They reheat nicely.

Apple Cinnamon Muffins
  • 1 1/2 cups sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup oil
  • 1/2 cup cinnamon applesauce
  • 1 Tablespoon vanilla
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
  • 3 cups peeled, cored, diced apples (around 3 small apples)
  • 1/4 cup. brown sugar

Preheat oven to 350 F.

In a large bowl cream together the sugar and eggs. Add the oil, applesauce and vanilla. Add dry ingredients to creamed mixture. The batter will be very thick. Add the diced apples.

Butter & flour muffin tins or use paper liners. Fill muffin tins to the top. Sprinkle with brown sugar, about 1/2 tsp. brown sugar per muffin. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Makes 22-24 muffins.


  1. Sounds terribe what happened. I think I'm a little nieve when it comes to blogging, but how does this happen and how were you able to find out that someone was doing this to you? Sure hope it doesn't happen again, your photos are lovely! Those muffins look absolutely delish too!

  2. Your muffins look absolutely delicious.

    Hold your head up high...criticism to me has always tended to be a result of something I've said hitting too close to home with someone. You were robbed. There is nothing wrong with wanting justice for what was stolen from you.

  3. Those are some great looking muffins! I just never have enough patience to cut up apples=( And yeah girl you were completely in the right here. What she was doing was wrong, and she knew it. Suck it hatersss!

  4. I have to say there are some really "interesting" people out there that would support the thief. Please don't let it discourage you becuase the rest of us would suffer. Sorry you had to endure this, hopefully you can put it behind you. These muffins look heavenly.

  5. The muffins look great! Sorry for all your drama lately. You are right, she wasn't doing it for any good reason.

  6. You have an awesome blog and had every right to be upset about what happened. Hopefully she was taken down by blogger!

    The muffins look awesome. I have some applesauce and apples I need to use. Thanks for sharing this great recipe.

  7. Oh the drama! Sucks but oh well there will always be someone looking to stir the pot right? too bad you can't put them to work stirring a pot of polenta.

  8. These look so good, thanks for sharing. You have a wonderful blog...just go forward doing good....what goes around, comes around. Come say hi :D

  9. Monica, if the rouge blogger had her own blog and over TIME had accumulated recipes or pictures of food made by others, the time progression would have reflected it. It would not have sprang out of nothingness to be claimed as "all original". Gimme a break! But, take a deep breath sister, look upon your fabulous blog. The pictures, the food, the love you so openly show for Mr. H and let the other trash go....not worth all your energy. She steals so much more than your blog when she keeps you stuck. Yes it sucked. Life is full of that...I think it is why you endeavor to make Lick the Bowl a good and happy space. Re-stake your claim and take your power back! WE all know you are the real McCoy, hun!More muffins, please...

  10. You most definately had every right to be angry. Her sidebar clearly stated that the recipes on her blog were her own "unless otherwise stated". I saw no "otherwise" on those recipes that were obviously YOURS. Hopefully if she does choose to make another blog, she will know not to plagiarize other people's work.

  11. Hey sweetie, you are definitely not overreacting at ALL. We all make recipes from each other's blogs. Imitation is, after all, the sincerest form a flattery. But there is a difference between giving credit where credit is due, and posting other people's words and pictures as if they were your own. We spend so much time on each post and I would be SO bothered if someone stole my material.

    These cupcakes look fantastic! Love the abundance of appley goodness.

  12. I love these mouthwatering muffins with all these chunks of apples.
    Sorry you had to go through this grief! The only grief I go through with my blog is the spam-mail!

  13. These apple pie muffins look amazing!! I am on my way to your place for some!!

    Don't sweat the small stuff, Monica. Just move on, and be happy.

  14. I have a weakness for all things apple & cinnamon. I will be trying this recipe very soon.

  15. I can almost smell these through the monitor. I agree about giving credit. 99% of the things I make are unoriginal, and I always give credit and link it up. If it weren't for creative cooks out there, we'd be having tacos every night, and it's just a small way to thank them :)

  16. There's just no stopping someone copying your work while sharing it with the rest of us. No text in your RSS? Doesn't really help. Some hokey "copy protection" scheme that abuses javascript to make the page unreadable until it runs? Doesn't help much, and discriminates against people who have vision problems or poor machines that can't run it (or those who want to stay anonymous as they surf).

    Here's hoping that you don't take drastic steps to prevent copying that end up keeping some of us from reading :(

  17. I don't believe that you did one thing wrong. What she did was the equivalent of stealing and you have every right to protect what is yours. Anyone who has the gall to send you nasty emails is just as bad as she is. Try not to let it get you down and remember that you have a lot of loyal friends and followers here to support you.

    These muffins look so good with those chunky bits of apples. I think I have most of the ingredients right here so I will be making them tomorrow.

  18. I'm sorry that happened to you and I don't think you overreacted at all. And even if you had, what business is it of someone else? You can react or overreact all you like.

    If it were something so innocent as a collection of things she liked, why not ask permission from the owner of the pics and recipes? Blech

    I love the muffins they look amazing! Yum!!

  19. Well, you know my feelings on this. You're right. They're wrong but as many have mentioned it's in your best interest to move on or they win.

    The kids would like these muffins. They're into fruity desserts.

  20. Don't worry about that lady, Monica.... Just ignore her! Do what you think is right for you, ok.

    The muffins surely look so yummy :) and I love cinnamon.

  21. You did not overreact! Of course no one should post recipes/pictures without credit. All she had to do was add a simple line explaining where she got her info from -- and she chose not to.

    I have a tender heart too, so I completely understand. But you were not in the wrong here! Feel better :)

  22. Whoa, where have I been?! Well, I'm going to have to go back and read everything from the beginning, but it definitely doesn't sound like you're overreacting! I recently had someone steal one recipe from my blog (a family recipe, actually) and claim it as her own, so I can sort of relate. I'm sorry! It seems like there are always stupid people like that out there who want the credit without the work. Hang in there -- your blog is awesome!

  23. I don´t think you overreacted at all!.... I think you were very polite... I would like to see these people that sent you these hate e.mail having the same done to their work.......

    I love your new background and the icing bags at the top... it looks really cosy!!

    THanks again for sharing


  24. WE perfectly understand you Monica. If that happened to me that would also be my reaction.
    I so love the new header and I think the muffins look great!

  25. These muffins look wonderful, just what the doctor ordered. Love how they ahve nice big chunks of apple in them as well as the puree and I can't resist anything cinnamon!

  26. These muffins look great!
    I think that people who say you overreacted don't understand how much your blog means to you...the fact that you take the time and clearly enjoy the pictures, the stories and the recipes definitely shows through. It takes a lot of work to do what you do and anyone who criticizes that doesn't get it.
    How much easier it would be to steal recipes and photos and change a few words ~ but we all know that the authenticity that you show is real and passion comes from loving something. I get it!

  27. I hope the drama ends soon. This recipe looks delicious. I am definitely making these next weekend!

  28. I cant believe anyone would defend someone who blantanly is stealing!I am sorry all this is happening to you, but hopefully its over.

    Love these muffins, I am like Mr H and love anything with cinnamon and apples!

  29. I love your blog, your recipes, your gorgeous pictures and it makes me mad that someone would do that. I'm so glad it was taken down... but still what a pain for you.

    Keep on keeping on and fighting off the bullies! You have an army behind you!

  30. I just found your blog and it looks amazing! I can't wait to try some of ur recipes....only problem is not sure where to start!

  31. In case I have not told you lately--I love your blog! Why? because it makes me happy. You always have delicious recipes and weave a wonderful story to go with each post. Congrats on marrying the man of your dreams! Beautiful photos!

  32. Monica, you are very tender=hearted and that's what I love about you. You felt violated, and I do understand that. Sometimes people can be really nasty, behind an anonymous monitor. I've had unkind emails and comments. They do hurt. But, the number of fans far outweighs people who don't have manners or ethics. Move forward, and know you are so loved. As for these muffins-- Yowza! I'm making them... fer sher. Love 'em! Love you, too.


  33. Just keep baking and making us drool of your delectable treats. : ) My dad would go utterly crazy over these. I make him a couple apple cakes (one to eat/one to freeze) every time I see him. It's gotta be his favorite combination of flavors on the planet. Glad you shared this.

  34. These muffins look sooo divine!!!! They remind me of an apple coffee cake my friend made awhile ago. So sorry to hear about all the drama-hopefully it's over now!!
    The Peppered Pantry~

  35. Isn't it great that we have apples year round? I have a huge collection of apple-related recipes and I'm adding this one for a happy morning (or anytime) treat. Thanks a bunch!


  36. These are the perfect muffins to make with my son!
    I'm sorry about the copyright infringement and glad that her blog is gone.

  37. I can't believe someone would do that and claim the recipes were her own! I love your blog and am excited to try this apple muffin recipe this week!

  38. I don't bake muffins that often, I need to add these to my list!

  39. I am sorry you had to go thru so much lately. I can't believe there can be drama on a food blog. Its every where. I love your site so keep up the great work. I can't wait to try your apple muffins. I like the way you reduce the sugar and fat. I am always trying to cut calories when I can without the cost of taste. Thanks for again.

  40. I wish you Drama-free blogging from here on out!

    Your muffins are beautiful! And, I love your new background!

  41. Your blog's new look is great! I just wanted to say, I love your blog and pictures and recepies. Even they seem too complicated for me to try, I wish I would take a bite from every recipe:)

  42. Sorry for the drama and the hate mail you've gotten.

    I love your pictures and recipes.

  43. It's a shame that there are people like that in the world. Keep doing what you are doing! Those muffins? They look fabulous!!! Thanks for sharing.

  44. I am so sorry for the trouble/rudeness you've experienced :(. The world can be an ugly place, even online, which is why you need to continue filling it with your sweet recipes! Literally! :)

    These classic apple muffins are my favorite kind of comfort food :).

  45. Oh good, I'm glad that blog was taken down!!

    My hubby would love these muffins too and I like how they are packed completely full of apples!

    Cute new blog look too :)

  46. Your blog is just lovely and I enjoy visiting it. Keep sharing your beautiful blog and your wonderful recipes. Try not to be discouraged. The truth always wins in the end and your blog is the truth.

  47. Moncia, don't let them get you down. Anyone can look at your blog and see you are a talented, compassionate woman. I got so mad when I read what happened.

    Who in their right mind would defend a thief?

    Well I love every thing you have taught me. But I do blame you for the 5 pounds I gained! LOL

  48. I think your blog is amazing. No one can possibly take or recreate the charisma and character you have. I look forward to reading your blog above any others that I have found. You are sweet, heartfelt, and TRUE. I admire and thank you for that. Keep trucking girl.

    And thanks for another fabulous recipe!

  49. woman you are crazy! i love you! :)))

  50. I just put the first year of muffins in the oven...looking forward to a yummy aroma.

  51. I just came across your blog and think your images and stories are just lovely. You seem like a very kind, gentle and caring person. Please try not to let "the non-supporters" take those things away from you. I'm sorry for your bad experience, we all have different kinds, but those situations as unfortunate as they may be remind us of just how strong we are. Keep on going girl, you're doing a fantastic job! :)


Thank you for your supportive comments. I appreciate each and every one of them!