Friday, March 12, 2010


The perpetrating blog was taken down. woo hoo!


  1. Good for you!! Serves her right!

    Traci from Lubbock

  2. wohoo!! GOOD!!!
    chock one up for all the honest ppl of the world!!

  3. Good for you Monica! Your recipes should be appreciated and not duplicated as someone elses.

  4. WHAT??!?!?! I loved that blog her 'recipes' were so much better that yours!! We all loved "brfst #2" or "choc. loaf cake with orng frstng" such complete classics :D

    Love you girl-take care

  5. It's great to see that the right thing was done..your recipes and pictures deserved it.

  6. Now, back to blogging with style, grace and honesty!


  7. Good! Some folks have WAY too much time on their hands!!!

  8. Okay, we can put the rolling pins back. I was ready to break in my new one which is MUCH heavier than my old wooden one. :)

  9. YAY!! Now if you could only get an apology from this horrid person...

  10. That's great! I checked today and it was still up - I was hoping you reported her!! Congratulations!

  11. Glad to hear it! I'm sure you will have a much better weekend now :)
    I love your blog!

  12. LOL @ INGRID!!! Yeaaaaa!!! I'm so glad!! Now you can get back in the kitchen and start using your "good" Mexican vanilla haha (yeaa to inside jokes!).

    P.S. It was great meeting you today! You're more than awesome!

  13. GREAT!!! I love your job, it's unique, specially the way you fill everything with that passion and shares it with us... and by the way: happy anniversary!!!

  14. Sounds like we need to do some blog ettiquette posts for people like that. You are the original yummy food maker and no one can replace you. Way to go!

  15. That's GREAT!!

    Not to rain on your parade though...I wonder WHO she will come back as. I've learned that when someone GOES away like this, they ALMOST ALWAYS RETURN. Chalk this feeling up to experience with this kind of person.

  16. That is great news Monica! I still can't get over the fact that she had posted her children's pictures on there.....imagine...posting pics of your children on a blog where you steal other peoples recipes and pictures! It boggles the mind!

  17. what did you do?
    now I have two people that have stolen my photos (the ones I haven't written copyright on...yet). figures. i get so tired of this shit, makes me want to stop blogging.

  18. good for you! so strange, don't you think?! Guess she must have seen your post!

  19. Way to go, girl! If only folks could figure out to ask and to give credit. Is that so hard? I'm sure you'd say "yes" to that!

  20. the funny thing was she had " these are my recipes, if not i will say so" (paraphrasing) and yeah don't put kids pictures on there and then be a liar! everyone makes mistakes but this was a little more than that!!

  21. I am some what new to blogging and I can't believe that someone would do something like that! It never even dawned on me that someone could even think of doing it. What a horribe person and a big fat liar!
    Now I am aware!

  22. YAY! Good for you and everyone else she ripped off!

  23. Just found your blog and I read back through a few pages of recipes and they all look delicious!!! Especially the ones on the sidebar. These dishes are so creative, I'm going to have to start trying them soon!

  24. Yay!!! What a great news!!! Happy for you, Monica :)


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