Monday, May 13, 2013

Zulka Sugar Winners and Playing In The Kitchen!

The winners of the Zulka Sugar are commenters #48 Sue (Someone's Mom) from I Need Mom! and #53 Debbie from Mocha Me. Both winners were chosen by These two just happen to be some blogger friends that I've followed for quite some time and I've made recipes from both of their blogs. I hope you two enjoy the product. Happy baking!

Please email me with your address and the Zulka will be sent your way! Thank you all for entering. If you'd like to purchase the Zulka sugar, I've seen it on shelves at Wal-Mart for about $2.50.

Also I wanted to share a few blooper pics of me in the kitchen. I was asked by my publisher to submit a pic of me working in the kitchen so my brother came over this weekend and took my picture while I made him his birthday dessert. Don't laugh too hard :-)

Monica h


  1. I forgot about entering, so what a nice surprise. I always love trying new things! I'll email you the info now. Thank you!

  2. It looks like you have a fun time in the kitchen Monica!!

  3. Hi Monica!!! I'm thrilled that I won this...thank you so much!!!!

  4. congrats to the winners, looks like fun in your kitchen!


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