Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Slice And Bake Shortbread & A Pregnancy Update

Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day weekend. I was going to share some yummy pancakes with you before the weekend, but as you can see I didn't quite make it. No worries though because these shortbread cookies more than make up for it. I got this recipe from Coleen's Recipes and she declared them "absolutely perfect".

These cookies were delicious, melt-in-your mouth and so buttery. The full recipe called for a full pound of butter and that scared the bujeesus out of me so I cut the recipe in half. The halved recipe (below) still made a substantial amount of cookies but if you want/need more, then just double it. The fun thing about this cookie is that you can roll the chilled dough in non-pareils, or colored sugar and coordinate with any holiday or celebration that you need. I used blue sprinkles for half of the dough and rolled the other half in raw sugar. It's not necessary but it adds a nice textural element to the tender cookie and it makes them extra pretty. The dough can be made ahead of time, then when you're ready for them, just slice and bake.

Now on to the pregnancy update. I reached 20 weeks last Wednesday and had an anatomy scan of the bambino. Of course he was curled up and sleeping the entire time so we didn't see much. The baby's growth is right on target, it's brain is growing and the heart was beating away. He's about 10 inches long and weighs about 12 ounces. I also felt the little one kick this weekend for the first time, which was quite the wonderful Mother's Day gift. It's such a strange, but incredibly awesome feeling. I've said it once and I'll say it again, but I am so blessed to be where I am. For another update, see below...

Ultimate Shortbread Cookies adapted from Coleen's Recipes

  • 1 cup of unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1/2 cup of granulated sugar
  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon coconut extract
  • non-pareils, coarse sugar, or chopped nuts (optional)

In a stand mixer, beat the room temperature butter, sugar and extracts until the mixture is light and fluffy (2-3 minutes on high).

Add the flour, half a cup at a time, beating well between each addition.

Roll the dough a log and wrap tightly in plastic wrap, then chill until very firm or up to three days.

After "logs" are very firm, roll them in sprinkles or nuts (optional) and slice into ¼" slices. Bake on ungreased baking sheet in a 350 degree oven for 18 to 20 minutes Cool on baking rack.

Makes about 24 cookies. Recipe can be doubled.

For the winners of the Simply Suppers giveaway, go HERE.


  1. That's truly wonderful news Monica :) I can see now why you chose blue sprinkles for the cookies. Great idea - I've never thought of doing this. What a great Mothers Day gift to feel him kick for the first time too. I'm excited for you!

  2. A BOY!! Congratulations my friend, I have 3 boys, they are wonderful. 20 weeks is a great thing to hit and I'm so happy for you :)

  3. It is so exciting to feel that first kick. Before you know it you will be feeling an elbow! I love your slice and bake cookies too.

  4. I could not be happier for you and your husband, and to think, the first kick coming on Mothers Day weekend, as if to say...get ready mom & dad...I'm coming!!! How thrilling. Your cookies look fantastic, I'm glad you enjoyed them.

  5. Happy Mother's Day!

    Oh.. Monica! What a wonderful news! I'm so happy to hear about your pregnancy! *hugs*

  6. Wonderful news.This baby is going to be one special child.If only he knew how much he is loved already.

  7. Oh such good news Monica and thanks for updating all of us. I also saw those cookies on Coleen's blog and would like to make them sometime. They look soooo good!!!

  8. Yay, congratulations...so exciting and now you know what to buy ;) Delicious cookies, too.

  9. That is such exciting news Monica! A bouncing baby boy to enjoy sliced shortbread cookies when he is older:S

  10. Ooooh! Those look amazing. Very impressed :)

  11. Congratulations! I'm sending you a long distance hug! These cookies look super yummy, especially considering that I just purchased some less than stellar shortbread cookies from Costco. I'll bookmark these for future reference. :)

  12. As I was reading, I caught a "he" in there.. Wondered if it was a slip or momtuition! :) Happy Mother's Day to you. Boys are great, I've got a 2 & 1/2 year old and a 1 year old and they're amazing. Thank you for the update and the delicious recipe!

  13. Congratulations!!! i don't know what it is to be mom, but i am sure it must be marvelous. Can't wait to hear more of him.

  14. Congratulations! I have been wondering how things were going.
    I knew as soon as I saw the blue sprinkes on the cookies that it must be a boy! Yay!
    Thanks for the update and for the cookie post! I much rather have cookies than pancakes! :)
    All the best to you during the next 20 weeks!

  15. Monica, this is great news! I will continue to pray for a safe delivery and a super healthy baby BOY! It's a BOY! Congratulations!

  16. Congrats! Little Boys are such fun!

    How do you slice your cookies so pretty? Do you use something special? I would love to try this recipe but can see myself making a mess with the slicing.

    ~Jenn from The Woodlands

  17. oh monica i've been away far too long haven't i? congrats. i really mean it. i know you've wanted this for years now--it's here and happening. so so happy for you darling!
    stay positive every day ok? envision every detail

  18. Yay! My little miracle boy is 5 months old today! You are going to be a wonderful Texas mother!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  19. I can't believe you're having another boy! Wow!! haha I was rooting for a girl, but I am so so happy you're having a healthy baby no matter the gender. I'm so happy for you two.

    P.S. I'll be calling you soon. I want to see how you look preggers haha.

  20. That is wonderful news!!! So happy for you and here's to hoping an uneventful 20 weeks!!!

  21. Congratulations on your baby boy. Love the cute blue sprinkles.

  22. I was just thinking about you last night. hoping all was going well for you and your pregnancy. so happy for you! congrats on you little boy. they sure are fun. I have four!

  23. Congratulations on your little boy! The cookies look good too.

  24. wooo hoooo, half way baby! This is truly exciting, and the cookies can't beat this news.

  25. Awesome News - Blessings to you and that sweet baby boy!

  26. Hooray! Being the mother of 3 boys myself, I am so excited for all the fun you are going to have. Better brush up on your Star Wars and Lego knowledge. ;)

  27. YAY for boys!!! SO happy for you. I wish we lived closer so our little guys could play. So fun!

  28. That is awesome news! Congrats on it being a boy :) And cookies are a great way to celebrate the news!

  29. Yay for little boys :) I love the sprinkles on these cookies. I've never used this technique with sugar cookies before and I love it!

  30. Now your pregnancy is really going to get fun! Not only do you know the sex but you are also feeling him move around!

  31. Congrats! These cookies are the perfect way to celebrate. Yum!

  32. Congrats!! I can only imagine how wonderful it must be to have a little one kicking around :) and the blue sprinkles are perfect!

  33. I'm beyond tickled to read how your pregnancy is progessing! That definitely is the perfect mother's day present...keep us posted :)

  34. I am so thrilled for you!!! Do you have a name picked out yet?!

  35. So happy for you! God bless you, hubby and baby! ~T~

  36. Your news is sweeter than the cookies and that's saying something! God Bless you Little Mama!!!!!

  37. Congrats! Having babies is the best thing ever...but the second best is cookies.

  38. Oh Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!!! It's a BOY!!!! You are just so darn clever to make your announcement with those cute cookies rolled in BLUE sprinkles! - I am not surprised you doing so as I can just picture you smiling the whole time with love and happiness as you gathered all your ingredients together to make the cookies. :-

    Feeling your little guy kick for the 1st time on Mother's Day is just perfect!

    Hugs to you Sweet Momma Monica!! :-)

  39. Best news I've read all day!

  40. I've been away on vacation and just reading your post which brings a big smile to my face! Hope to be catching up soon.


  41. Congratulations on the wonderful news! Best wishes! By the way, the cookies look great!

  42. Awww, a little boy, how exciting!

    These cookies are so pretty with the sugar on the outside - yum!

  43. Oh, Monica! I am extremely happy for you. I didn't realize you are expecting again. I remember when I first read about your struggle in your other blog, and I am going to send up a prayer that everything continues perfectly for you. What a special blessing this baby boy will be! :)

  44. OMG!!! This is my first chance, in two weeks, to visit blogs. I came here first, and I'm so glad that I did. I'm typing so fast, and smiling-- somehow, the blue cookies made me read faster and faster. A boy! Wow! This is all great news, Monica. I'm so, SO happy for you and Mr. H. This baby is going to be so loved. xoxo

  45. Sheesh, I was so excited I forgot to comment on the cookies. I love Colleen's recipes. I bookmarked this one, and I hope to get around to making them. Nice job!

  46. I'm so happy for you! Congratulations!

  47. Found this site when looking for a oat nut bread recipe, was drawn in deeper by the tomato tart photography and won over by your charm and generosity in crediting your sources.

    I'm looking forward to reading more and exploring your photo blog. You have a very lovely eye.

  48. Congrats on finding out it is a boy! I'm so glad things are going well for you. This is such an exciting time.

    I love shortbread. As much as I love chocolate, I'd take a good shortbread cookie over a chocolate one any day. I love how you colored these...I'll remember that trick!

  49. These look freaking amazing! I love the announcement! And the cookies rolled in the sugar in the raw have my taste buds hopping! Yum!

  50. WHat a FUN cookie! The amount of butter doesn't scare me too much, does that surprise you?

  51. Is it okay if I post one of these images to my Pinterest inspiration board? It'll link to your blog entry, and it'll help me remember to try this recipe. :)

  52. Just wanted to express how happy I am for you!


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