Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Thank you!

I'll post another recipe soon, but I wanted to thank Katie from Apple & Spice for sending me a tasty little package from across the pond.

Look at all my goodies!

She sent me this to say thank you for helping out with the Cake Slice Bakers over the last couple weeks, but really I have to say thank you to Katie for investing so much time into this baking group so that we can bake cake together. Thank you Katie!


  1. It's the little things that count!:)

  2. What fun goodies!
    I have to thank you, too, for mentioning in a post that the Cake Slice Bakers were accepting new bakers. I emailed Katie and I'm on the new roster. Woohoo. Got the cookbook the other day and I'm ready to bake!

  3. That looks like a great package! How fun!

  4. I love packages that come in the mail especially when they're loaded like that!

  5. How very sweet and yummy! I bet you'll have lots of fun trying out all those goodies!!


Thank you for your supportive comments. I appreciate each and every one of them!