Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Deliciousness on a Bagel

This is a quicky because I've been so busy lately and I don't have much free time to blog. I've been trying to keep up on your blogs, but it's overwhelming sometimes. I'm working more than I usually do, which means I come home tired and sitting in front of a computer is not on my priority list.

I appreciate all your comments and I'll get back to your blogs in a few days. I've added quite a few of you to my blog roll and to my google reader, but if I have overlooked you and you'd like me to follow your blog, then please leave me a comment and I'll add you to my list.

Okay, on to one of my favorite breakfast treats. My sister turned me on to this little yummy. Her boyfriend orders this from Einstein Bros. but it's just as easy to replicate at home. It is down right delicious- the perfect combination of sweet and savory, crispy, creamy and chewy.

Blueberry Cream Cheese Bacon Bagels
  • blueberry bagel
  • cream cheese
  • bacon, cooked

Slice and toast bagel. Schmear with as much or as little cream cheese as you'd like on both sides of the bagel. Stuff with crispy bacon (2-3 slices). Sandwich together and scarf it down.


  1. What an absolutely heavenly sandwich!! OMGoodness, that looks delicious!!! That last photo is a drool-er.

  2. So yummy. I find it overwhelming myself sometimes, to keep up.

  3. Yes blogging at times is overwhelming, but I enjoy it and missed it while I was in the moving process. This sandwich has me wanting the exact one. Delicious!

  4. Blogging can become overwhelming indeed, but it's a sweet addiction. Oh, and I loved your bagel, and your amazing pics too.

  5. This sounds pretty good! I will have to give it a try!

  6. are you trying to bring me out of my hiding? I could smell this all the way over here woman!

  7. This is one amazing looking breakfast! I bet the blueberry and bacon combo was fantastic!

  8. Sounds good. I usually get a seeded bagel with cream cheese and on occasion add sausage. Hadn't thought to add bacon, duh! Thanks I'll give it a try!

    No worries...we'll be here..hungry! :)

  9. I had never thought of a combo like that but it looks so amazing I have to try it! Thanks!

  10. Oh the bagel looks so good. Love blueberry bagels. I'm so addicted to food blogging. I love it even though at times the last thing I want to do is sit in front of my computer. Once I start looking at all the food blogs and commenting, time just flies!

  11. Almost anything is deliciousness on a bagel as far as I'm concerned...but this looks especially fantastic.

  12. I bet that is delicious...I love bacon in my waffles and pancakes, so I know this would rock, too!!

  13. Yum...I love sweet and savory together like that! Heck, I love bacon just about any way you want to hand it to me :)

  14. These look absolutely delicious, like addictive even! Who needs to order them when you can make them like that?!

  15. Hey Monica, want to come up to Canada and make me breakfast? :D
    No worries about being busy right now and not as into your blogging--you're so dedicated with it, it makes sense to need a little break now and again! Take care, and enjoy those yummy bagels.

  16. Great breakfast for on the go!

  17. AH! This looks FANTASTIC with the sweet and savory combo! I really want to take a huge bite...but I'll add a touch of maple syrup first!

  18. Ohhhh Monica.... yes, we'll be here... that looks awesome... LOVE how you said "schmear" : )

  19. Love it! Blueberries and bacon...can only imagine the combination of them...Sounds great for breakfast, yummie!

  20. OMG, these look amazing and are right up my alley! I love breakfast sandwiches and make them almost every weekend - I will definitely try this version out!

  21. Oh my goodness.. my mouth is watering..... I'm loving your pictures and recipes.


Thank you for your supportive comments. I appreciate each and every one of them!