Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

December 2011
I always imagined what being a mother was like, but I never really got to experience it until Hayden was born. Parenting is hard work and it not always fun, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Sam and Jack made me a mom, but Hayden made me a parent. He makes me want to be a better person and has shown me what real beauty is. I fall in love with him and his crooked smile every day. I just love him so much and I'm thankful he chose me to be his momma. 

Happy Mother's Day to all you fabulous women out there. To those of you who will be celebrating with your mothers and children this Sunday and to those who are missing them. I share these flowers with you. 

Hayden- 6 months old;  Monica- about 5 years old
Love, Monica and Mini Me (aka Hayden)


  1. Happy Mothers Day Monica, what a dream come true this day is!!

  2. Happy Mother's Day, Monica. You and Hayden are so beautiful, and I hope you have a very special Mother's Day :)

  3. Awww, what cute pictures - Happy Mother's Day Monica!!

  4. Yup...I thought he looks alot like you !! Happy Mama's Day to you. May you be blessed with many more to come !

  5. Belated Happy Mother's Day to you!

  6. Happy belated Mother's Day! I really see the resemblance between you and Hayden. Isn't it amazing how much a little boy can look like his mommy?

  7. I lOVE the lip...he is so cute Monica, enjoy him, it goes so fast...

  8. I hope you had a wonderful mother's day my darling.

  9. ohmygoodness those pictures are so cute! i can't believe how much he looks like you! or LOOKED like you, rather :P

  10. You and Hayden do look soo alike! :) ... I actually thought of you on Mother's Day... and what a great gift to be able to celebrate it with such a happy boy! So happy for you having a Happy Mother's Day!


Thank you for your supportive comments. I appreciate each and every one of them!