Friday, June 3, 2011

24 Weeks, A New Logo and A Guylian Chocolate Giveaway! (Giveaway Closed)

We're celebrating today at Lick The Bowl Good!

On Wednesday I reached the viability mark in my pregnancy. I'm sure many people wouldn't think twice about this date, but for me it's a milestone. Of course this baby isn't done baking, but at this gestation he could survive outside the womb if he were born early. That's huge! Now I don't want him to come any earlier than September but at least I can breathe a little easier knowing he'd be okay. As of yesterday, according to his measurements at the anatomy scan, baby weighs about 1 lb. 7 oz. Grow baby grow! Here's what we both look like :-)

The next thing we are celebrating is my new logo! My wonderfully talented friend Lori from LFE Photography gifted me with a new logo from On The Spot Studio. Lori and I met a few years ago after the losses of our sons. We met at a support group but it was more than grief that led us to be friends. She is a sweetheart, a wonderful mother and wife and as I mentioned, a talented photographer. Lori has taken our holiday pictures for the past 3 years and I trust her wholeheartedly- she's creative with an artistic eye. If you're in the central Texas area, I highly recommend you check her out!

Lori is also really generous and thoughtful. She visits my blog often and thought I needed a more professional look for my logo rather than just typing in 'LTBG' on my photos- she was right. OTSS created a logo for LFE Photography and she did such a great job fulfilling her wants that I knew she'd create something just as wonderful for Lick The Bowl Good. I didn't want anything too literal so I opted out of a logo with a mixing bowl on it. Instead I wanted a layer cake (my favorite thing to bake) on a cake pedestal (I'm obsessed with them!) with strawberries (my favorite fruit). Notice there are three little strawberries- one for each of my boys :-) I just LOVE it! Thank you Lori!

Because of all the greatness going on here, I'm offering a giveaway from Guylian Belgian Chocolates to celebrate. A couple months ago, Guylian sent me a sampling of their beautiful sea shell chocolates. Several years ago my uncle gave my aunt a box of their milk and white chocolate sea shell chocolates for Valentine's Day. I thought they were so unique and special- better than anything that could come in a heart shaped box. They are almost too pretty to eat, but definitely do eat them because they're delicious. They're filled with a hazelnut praliné, are so creamy and just melt in your mouth. They also now make a dark chocolate version and individually wrapped sea horses, which are adorable.

Guylian has offered to send a box of their Original Chocolate Shells to one lucky reader! All you have to do to is leave a comment on this post to be entered. Open to U.S. residents only.

Be sure to leave your e-mail address, or a way to contact you if you should win. One comment per person please. Giveaway ends Friday, June 10th, 2011 at 11:59 pm (CST). The winner will be chosen using


  1. The lovely candy give away is nice but I wanted to comment even if there isn't a give away.

    I want to congratulate you on the viability of your little one. How absolutely fabulous for you...I am a nurse who has worked in LD and I know how wonderful this is...I am thrilled for you.Also,,, I love your logo. I have made many cakes that you have suggested from your site and I think it is a perfect logo for you,,,your cakes are THE BEST!!

  2. That is SO awesome, look absolutely glowing and gorgeous =)!!! And yes, the new logo is wonderful- very you. The chocolates remind me of the seashells from 'Chocolat'...delicate and sensual. Thanks for the chance. And I'm just so durn happy for you.

  3. Monica you look wonderful and I am so happy you are all doing well. I bet September cannot come fast enough for you! Glad that you are at 24 weeks and at least mentally rest a bit easier. The picture of the chocolates is beautiful. They look almost too pretty to eat!

  4. Praise God,you have come this far with baby doing well.The picture is a wonderful thing to see.

  5. Congratulations on all the amazing things happening in your life! Love reading your blog! And thank you for the giveaway.

  6. Congrats! You look so great!
    The new logo is super cute too!

    yummy chocolates :)

  7. Congratulations Monica, on reaching this milestone ~ I am very happy for you!

  8. You look absolutely adorable!! Congratulations on reaching this milestone and my best wishes to you on a happy healthy little one in September.

    What a great giveaway, I've got my fingers crossed!

  9. Congratulations on all the good going on for you now!

  10. Congratulations on reaching the 24 week date in your pregnancy. My daughter is also 24 weeks pregnant with my first grandchild and we are so excited. If I win the chocolate I will give them to her and we will talk about your journey to this point!

  11. Love your new logo! (

  12. Mmmm chocolates. Thanks.

    Chris M.

    zekks at yahoo dot com

  13. AWWW...pregnant women are so beautiful, and that you are. What a great post!! I love the new logo.

  14. You look amazing! I am so happy for you to reach this benchmark in your pregnancy! My niece was born at 24 weeks and she is now a happy thriving 5 year old. But you tell that little guy, he needs to cook a bit longer :)
    I love your new logo! It is a perfect reflection of all things you :) I especially like the three strawberries for your three sweet boys.

  15. Your new logo is super cute!!!

  16. Pretty chocolates, and love the new logo! :) So cute!

  17. Congratulations on making the 24 week mark :) You're right, those chocolate do look so beautiful, I would probably just stare at them until my eyes popped out, haha.

    You're new logo is also really cute! People have such amazing talent.

  18. Congradulations on 24 weeks!

  19. I love Guylian chocolate. It's hard to find in my small town so I don't get to eat them very often. Thanks for the giveaway!

    heatherspooner1981 at gmail dot com

  20. I am not a U.S. resident but I just wanted to congratulate you on the pregnancy milestone!
    I understand the relief you can feel once you hit the mark of viability. I carried twins and was considered high risk. I wasnt allowed to lift anything or strain my body in any way for fear of setting off early labor. I was so worried about something happening to the two precious lives I carried.

    I had them at 37 weeks and they are 3 now!

  21. Congratulations! The seashell chocolates are a blast from my past, we used to sell them at a small shop where I worked - I need to pick up some individual seahorses for some friends (didn't know those even existed!!).
    - Kasey

  22. Congratulations on hitting this milestone. It is wonderful and I'm so happy for you!

  23. Also not a U.S. resident but I really wanted to congratulate you on reaching 24 weeks. :) It's soooo nerve wracking getting that far. I also really like your logo.

  24. Woo hoo, we have lots of problems in our family so I know how important 24 weeks is. Congrats!

  25. OMG so exciting!! Love this.

  26. Congratulations! That is very exciting :)

  27. Congrats on your pregnancy and the logo is oh so fabulous!!!

  28. Chocolate, I'm in! They look and sound amazing I really hope I get a chance to try them.

  29. So happy that your bun in the oven is growing well! Having lost a baby myself, I understand just wanting to get that little one safely into my arms!

    ~Tiffany Rupp~

  30. I love the new logo! It is so fitting :) Congrats to your new little babies milestone!!!! You both look adorable.

  31. Love the new logo, and as everyone has mentioned you look great and very happy. Congrats.

  32. Congratulations on the pregnancy progress! And I really adore your new logo. Thanks! Christy

  33. I am celebrating with you today!

    Congratulations on your wonderful baby.

    The logo is precious and So you!

  34. Congratulations Monica, I am so happy to hear that you and baby are doing well! You are so adorable!! I love the new logo as well!

    kelgirl105 at

  35. WhaHoo ! Mama and baby doing good and looking beautiful !

    I have had these chocolates before and they are yummy and the cute shapes are fun. Your logo is picture perfect. What a wonderful and talented friend to gift your blog with a new look !

  36. You look terrific, momma! And I love the new logo as well!

  37. First off, congrats on your pregnancy going so well! I'm really excited about this giveaway, those are beautiful chocolates and I'm dying to take a bite!

  38. Hey Cutie Patootie! - you have made my day with such a great picture of you and ALL the happy news! I am just SO, SO happy for you and Mr. H to have reached such an important milestone in your pregnancy...HOORAY for 24 weeks! LOVE the new logo! And LOVE those chocolates!

    Happy Friday Mama Monica!
    ~avril :-)

  39. Congratulations! You have so much to celebrate. September will be here before you know it. I would love to taste those beautiful chocolates.

  40. That is such great news. Very happy for you here in CA! Best wishes,


  41. Thanks for the giveaway :)

    I know how you feel about week 24. As a mom of 4 little ones (7, 6, 5 and 18 months) I know from experience that each day until you meet your little one is a blessing. God bless and rest up!

  42. Congratulations and I wish you a very successful pregnancy. The logo looks great!

  43. Continued blessings on you and yours!

  44. You're right! They do look ALMOST too good to eat. Congrats on 24 weeks!

  45. In honor of your blog, your logo your viability, my love of hazelnut and chocoloate, and the fact that for some strange reason I can both see AND comment on your blog I declare myself the winner!!!

    LMAO! LOVE the logo and so happy for you and your little one.

  46. congrats to you!

    abwhite6 at hotmail dot com

  47. congrats on making it this far. what a relief! you look beautiful. and logo looks great!

  48. Hang in there with your pregnancy. I am so glad things are going well!

    Love the LOGO - I need to come up with a cute one for my blog. I don't really have one!

    AND - I have never heard of the chocolates. I love chocolate!

    Take care!

  49. Congrats! What wonderful news...may he stay safe and secure where he should be for many more weeks. And I'd love the chocolate too :)

  50. Congratulations. I have been following along on your pregnancy and say a prayer for you every day.

  51. I am usually a "silent" follower of your blog, but wanted to offer my sincerest congratulations! May your sweet baby continue to grow and thrive!

    Love the new logo!

  52. I pray that the rest of your pregnacy continues to go well and that you grow even more radiant and joy-filled as the birth date approaches.

  53. I could care less about the candy, although I would devour it eagerly, but I am TOTALLY jazzed about seeing your baby-belly,how cool is that!?!?!? Come on little one, grow some chubby cheeks!!!

  54. Monica, you look glowing and fabulous. I am beyond happy for you - to the moon and back. You deserve all the great things that come your way.

    I LOVEEE these chocolates - some of my favorites. Thanks for this great giveaway!

  55. You look beautiful! And I love the logo too! Bring on some chocolate....

  56. Oh my, Those Chocolates look Divine!

    Also, look GREAT!! SO Cute with your baby bump!!

  57. Congratulations on this wonderful milestone and I love your photo - you are radiant! I also love the changes you made too.

  58. Congratulations! I really know how you feel. It took us 5 years to conceive our little boy, and I was so relieved when I got to the 24th week. From there I was so excited to meet the little guy I couldn't wait til he was born. Now I miss feeling him kick inside of me. My best advice, enjoy your healthy pregnancy as much as you can! Celebrate, be pampered as much as possible, and enjoy life. When the little one arrives, you will be busy busy busy!

  59. Love the new logo and congrats on reaching such a big milestone :) Love the seahorse chocolates, so cute.

  60. congratulations on making it this far - it has surely been and long painful and challenging road for you. we will certainly be keeping fingers crossed for you all until sept....

    jacquieastemborski AT comcast DOT net

  61. Congratulations on making it to 24 weeks! I hope that your little boy keeps growing strong over the summer.

    Melissa (

  62. Congratualtions on making it to 24 a wonderful journey as I just reached 38 wks myself. I'm getting pretty excited.

  63. I love the new logo & I would love to win the chocolate too.

    Congrats on the 24 week mark, I know it's a huge deal. You look great!

  64. Monica,

    You look beautiful. Happy, healthy and glowing. Would love to win the chocolate. Thanks.


  65. I love the new logo, and the signifigance of the strawberries...can't wait to see it showing up on your pictures! You look like one happy pregnant mommy!

  66. Yummy! But even better...congratulations on the awesome milestone!!! Blessings to you! :)

  67. I'm so happy for you - I remember reaching that "safe" stage. Continued prayers coming your way.

    I LOVE the new logo as well. :)

  68. CONGRATS on 24 weeks... wonderful! and LOVE your new logo & YUM to the giveaway!

  69. I heart chocolate - what a yummy giveaway! Congratulations on making the vital 24 week mark, you're almost there!

  70. Congratulations on reaching the huge milestone! I am 29 weeks and hoping to keep my baby cooking a little longer as well. God bless!

  71. I love the new logo! and congrats on your viability :)

  72. Sweet! A mama never forgets her children. Great news on your pregnancy. Wishing you the best!

  73. Congrats on your 24 wk mark-what a blessing to you and your family! Wishing you a fantastic rest of the journey to Motherhood!

    Love the logo and the chocolates--please transport chocolate immediately as I am really craving, and I'm not pregnant! ;o)

    Thanks and Best to You and Yours!

  74. CONGRATS! You look great!

  75. You look cute as a button little mama ! The new logo is just as cute yet professional looking as well. I have never tasted these divine looking Guylian chocolates, and would love to have the experience ! Continued blessings to you and your family.

  76. Congratulations on your pregnancy and 24 weeks!

    I just started reading your blog. I can't remember where I found it though :( However, I LOVE it! There are so many recipes I want to try.

    Thank you for the chance to win too.

    *Amy Lee*

  77. Congrats upon the pregnancy going so well, we are so happy for you and your hubby, you will be the greatest mom there is, love the new logo and your blog, so happy for, prayers and always a big smile..from Mary Jane at!!!!!!!!!! the treats look great, would love to win them, but so happy for you and yours--hugs, smiles and great vibes for you sweetie pie!X()X()~~~~~~~!!!!

  78. What an exciting time for you. I will keep you in my thoughts and wish you the best. Thanks for the give away.

  79. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during your pregnacy. You look adorable. I love the new logo. What a special gift. I love your recipes. Amazing flavors.
    Have a great week. Chocolate and hazelnut are my two favorite flavors. Just made Nutella brownie bites. Yummy.

  80. Congrats to you and your growing family! Relief!

    Love the logo and the simple yet so sweet symbolism behind it.

    Best wishes.


  81. Best wishes to your family, may the rest of your "baking" time be as successful as your flour, sugar and oven baking time. Your photos make me want to reach in...I WISH we were closer, I would be your slave and do housework and I hate housework, so that is saying an awful lot. (That just means I love sweets, nothing kinky, LOL)
    Anyway, free chocolate, yum! Please pick me, magic number generator!


  83. Congrats on 24 weeks!
    the chocolate has be drooling!


  84. Yay!!! Congratulations on such a huge milestone in your pregnancy!! I love your's so cute!

    PS. I love hazelnut you should definitely pick me. ;-)

  85. This is the first time I've visited your blog, but I love it so far! Congratulations on your pregnancy!

  86. I'm so happy to hear about you reaching your viability date; I too know how great that feeling is!

    The chocholates look great! here is my email should I win them,

  87. Congrats on the 24 week benchmark. :) It is a nice thing to that your little one is growing so nicely.

  88. I love your new logo.

  89. Congratulations to you! Thanks for the wonderful recipes...I truly enjoy reading your blog.

  90. Congratulations on your wonderful news. My daughter had a problem in getting pregnant and is now the mommy of 4 beautiful little girls with number 5 due in September. You will be a spectacular mom. I have never heard of these chocolates, but they are lovely. Blessings, Lynn

  91. Congrats! Also love your new logo. Thanks for the chocolate giveaway, they look delicious!

  92. How fantastic! So happy for you- wishing you all the best!

  93. You look great for someone who is carrying! :) I hope your baby comes into this world safely! The chocolates look delicious also!

  94. Congratulations to you!!

    Who doesn't like chocolate??

  95. Congratulations! Can't think of a better food (and giveaway) to celebrate with!

  96. Cute photo! Congrats! Yay for chocolate giveaways!

  97. I've had a hard time getting on to my lap top, because Craig is trying to fix a stubborn problem with it. Wow! Monica, while the chocolates are adorable...and your logo totally suits's your belly that I'm loving!! There's a baby in there, and I'm so thrilled for you and Mr. H. I know what you've gone through, and how much you were longing to be a mom...and here is the proof! You are baking something fabulous and I can't wait to see the finished product-- in September! xoxoxo

  98. Happy Gestating!!! And thanks for including the 5th major food group in your give away.


  99. Congrats on the little one!


  100. Congrats on both accounts! Would love to try the chocolate :)

  101. congrats!! I have a godson on the way and he is due in August..coming up!..very cute logo love the colors =)
    love the blog and read it often

  102. that is my most favourite chocoalte in the entire world! i live in canada though, guess i won't be winning this :(

    congrats to you and your husband! ive read your other blog and im just so happy this is finally happening for you guys!

    great new logo too btw!

  103. Ohhhh... I love those!! And it's my birthday next week too (GULP!! The big 4-0!!!) so this would be a LOVELY birthday gift!

  104. These look yummy! Congrats on your bun-in-the-oven. That is very exciting news.

  105. hooray for the happy baby news! what a generous way to help us celebrate with you. :)

  106. Congrats on your big milestone!!! Thank you for your blog, too. I've really been enjoying it!

  107. Yay for your milestone! I have been following along and praying for you as well. With my second son, I had an incompetent cervix and had dilation at 20 wks and a failed cerclage. So I get counting the weeks w/bated breath. I still have the calender that I kept track on. My goal was 32 wks but my son had other plans and arrived at 27-3/7, but I was still thankful he made it 7 more wks. Praying you little one stays put til your due date!

  108. Congratulations on the milestone and the great new logo.

  109. Congrats! The blog (and the chocolates) look great!!

  110. Congratulations and I love your new logo!

  111. You look great, what a wonderful time to be celebrating!

  112. Congratulations, mom-to-be! What fun is coming your way. Love your blog and especially your new Logo! Keep up the great work

  113. I am so happy for you and Mr.H. I have several friends who have had to go through some of the hard things you have had to, so I am so happy that you are at 24 weeks. WOOHOO! Love your blog and CAKES and of coarse................Chocolate!

  114. Congrats on your pregnancy! This is definately baby season. I have several girlfriends who are expecting too. The new logo is great too!

  115. You, your baby, and your logo are beautiful! So happy for you that things are going well for you and the baby. Praying for a safe and healthy September Birthday!
    Robin Sue

  116. You look adorable pregnant, we are almost sharing the same due date.

  117. Awww this makes me tear up a bit! I am SO happy for you and your husband. This was the moment you've been waiting for! I pray the rest of your pregnancy is smooth sailing =)

  118. Honestly I don't like chocolate, is the most unhealthy candy that you can it.


Thank you for your supportive comments. I appreciate each and every one of them!