Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Foodbuzz Fest: Day 1

I had a wonderful time in San Francisco at the Foodbuzz Blogger Fest this past weekend. It is a beautiful city, with lots to experience and photograph and good food everywhere you turn. I feel like all we did all weekend was EAT! I'm pretty sure, Debby (my lovely roommate) from A Feast For The Eyes would agree with me.

Debby picked me up from the airport (thanks Deb!) and we headed straight to the Wharf for a light lunch before the Foodbuzz festivities began.

After seeing these vibrant fellows, we decided on crab cakes and crab cocktail at none other than The Crab Station!

After our snack by the water, we stopped into Boudin Bakery to smell the aroma of freshly baked Sourdough loves. And to admire the unique creatures they morph out of dough. fun stuff!

Debby couldn't be cuter in this crabby hat :-)

A few snapshots of Alcatraz from the pier....

Then down Lombard Street- the crookedest street in America. I think it's fascinating, but don't understand why anyone would want to live there? This is the view at the top of the hill heading down the street. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture looking up at Lombard.

Then we checked into our hotel, The Sir Francis Drake, which was just beautiful and ornate and the staff could not have been more friendly. They were WONDERFUL!

Our room was so nice and bright and cozy. FYI: Cozy is code for small rooms, with even smaller bathrooms :-)

We registered for the weekend's events, then checked out our goodie bags. woot!

We rested a bit in our room before loading the bus to Herbst Pavilion for "Street Food Fare".

We munched on polenta crusted pork sandwiches with melt in your mouth chicharones (the best meal all night!) spit roasted pork sandwiches with roasted potatoes, seaweed tacos (don't know what they were and didn't really like them, but they were pretty), and beef tacos. I also tried a few other things but don't have the pictures to prove it. That may be a good thing :-)

There were a lot of these...

A lot of this...

And plenty of this!

Lots of memories were made this weekend. I'll have more to share with you soon!


  1. OMG! That sounds (and looks) like so much fun! So glad that you were able to enjoy it. :)

  2. Meeting you was beyond awesome!! Hope you and your husband had a great mini-vacation after the festival! :)

  3. Wow Monica, that looks so fun! I only spent 3 days out there and didn't get to sample the city like I would have liked, but had a fun time with my friends. I can't wait to hear more!

  4. It all looks and sounds delicious! I am jealous of your goodie bag!

  5. Oooh Looks like a great weekend!!! And I have stayed at the Sir Francis Drake for work before the rooms are cute but the water pressure was so weird!!!

  6. I am dreaming of attending a food fest like that. It looks so much fun!

  7. Wow! Itsounds like an amazing event!! The bread made into a crab is so cute too

  8. WHat a fun weekend! I would have loved to be there ;)

  9. Wow! What a weekend. What a bedroom and what food and what scenery. Wish I was with you.

  10. Dungeness crab and Lombardy St. (I've driven and walked up and down it--what was I thinking?) are two special SF memories. It sounds like you had a good time. Can't wait to see and hear more.


  11. Sounds like an awesome time so far...I love the crabby bread :D
    Can't wait to hear more!

  12. Wish I could have gone but am glad you guys had a good time! I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing more.

  13. Here I set in pj's and still got to go to SF for a little virtual vacation! Thanks for inviting us all along...what fun!

  14. What fun! I love, love, love San Francisco! But it has been years since my last visit. : ( I really wish I could have gone to the Foodbuzz Fest... maybe next year!

  15. Love the new background! So happy to hear you had fun!

  16. Wish we could've met, so glad you had a good time! I loved it too :)

  17. How wonderful for you ! I have been to many of the places you have already visited and it was nice to see them again...SF is a great place to explore !

  18. Oh Monica!!! - what a great peek into your fabulous time at the Food Buzz event! So glad you had a wonderful time and how fun that you and Debbie were together for it. :-)

  19. Hello my San Francisco roomie and friend! I'm still trying to sort through the photos. You didn't publish that photo of me in the crab hat! Aaaaaaaah! I can't right click and copy some of these pics, so we need to do an exchange.

  20. that sourdough is to die for. i have dreams of having it again. so many cool people are attending this event-- i hope you meet them all.

  21. I absolutely LOVE this post!!! i want crab so much!

  22. Beautiful photos, your room is so cute. I love that croisant looking crab, so cute! Glad you had a good time.

  23. It was so nice to meet you over the weekend. Foodbuzz is that special place in time.

  24. I'd love to go to this someday. What a great time you must have had. Great goodie bag too!


  25. How wonderful! I can't wait to read more! (I know I'm way behind lately)

  26. Wow!!! Look the inside of the goodie bags! I wish I could get all those stuff too :)


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