Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Spice Girl

Several months ago I came across a spice storage set. Most of them are designed to sit on the counter and look pretty. But I keep my spices in a cupboard to the left of the stove. I want them organized and within reach. I want them all to be accessible.

When we first moved into our house and I was organizing our kitchen, I went to the garage and grabbed a couple bricks. I washed them then covered them in foil. I then placed them in the back of the cabinet and placed my spices on them. It worked fairly well, but it only elevated one row of spices, as if they were on a stage. The rest of them were mingling in a crowd and every time I wanted oregano, I had to pick up about half a dozen red capped bottles til I found the one I was looking for.

I finally convinced myself that I could have a spice rack. You see, I have a hard time spending money on myself. I may want many things but I feel selfish when I buy stuff for myself. I'll have to work on that :-) Anyway, after a long day and a few curse words at my spice cabinet, I went to the computer logged on to Walmart.com and ordered the spice rack of my dreams.

I originally found the Spice Stack on Target's website then again on Amazon.com. But, I'm a bargain shopper and I have to find the best deal. I think Amazon had a lower price, but then you add in shipping costs and it's no longer a good deal. Then I found it at Walmart for a dollar more, but you can do the "Site to Store" purchasing and pay tax, but no shipping charges. So that's what I did. And I love it!

Tagco Spice Stack Before:
See my foil covered bricks?


It takes up just as much room as my spices did before, so it's not space saving, but it's spice organizing. I have sweet spices, sprinkles and sparkly sugar on the top rack, herbs on the second rack and salts and and spices on the bottom rack.

See this and more on my Favorite Things list.


  1. Very clever! I would need about 8 of those as I have a huge spice rack or lack there of.

  2. I want one. I have little risers, but I always end up knocking over something in the front row to get to the back row.

  3. Hi Monica! Glad you like our SpiceStack... just wanted to let you know we also sell a smaller version of the SpiceStack (not that you need it but maybe one of your readers does!) that holds 18+ spices and fits into narrower cabinets. We also included drawer labels with this one for home cooks to customize their SpiceStack. Check it out at www.SpiceStack.com.

    Happy Cooking! Lauren Greenwood, President, SpiceStack Inc.

  4. Oh how I need to organize!
    Hey, thanks again for the link to the red velvet bread pudding. I am going to give it a try this week!


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